Monday, October 14, 2013

Niyamalu (Rules) for Ayyappa Swamy Deeksha

Om Sri Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa

These are the Niyamalu (Rules) for Ayyappa Swamy Deeksha.

1) The Deeksha Should be taken for 41 days or more but not less than 41 days.
        This has a reason coz if you see any Aurvedic Treatment it will be for 41          days. The Deeksha what we do is exactly of ayurvedic Treatment. And our body and mind are trained for 41 days with a routine will generally become a habit, and our habits become our behaviour and our behaviour becomes our character. So if one is taking deeksha and following all rules will be good and will do good to society. One will get transformed from inside if one is really following all the rules of deeksha.

2) We should keep our Mind with purity and control our feelings in all aspects.
          This works in synchronisation with the concept why we call everyone as swamy only. It is a concept of seeing everyone as Swamy himself and give due respect to him. It is a process of removing the I (ego) factor. The same principle applies why swamy should bow to another swamy. If swamy's are having a pure and clean mind, the ego will vanish and where ego vanishes, there divinity reflects.

3) We should wake up at 4:00 A.M(Brahma Gadiya)
      This is the time when the entire nature will be peaceful, one can feel the subtle vibrations of the prayers done all over the universe and get synchronised with those vibrations and over practice can get himself elevated to higher planes in the path of spirituality. As the day proceeds there will be various kinds of disturbances around, which may not allow the person to connect to the vibrations around him in the nature. It is the right time for meditating upon god in a choice which the person likes.

4) We should perform pooja twice in a day Before sunrise and After sun set.
This has scientific approach if you inhale the Camphor during early Hours your sinus will be clear. These are the times, when a person mind can get distracted and if trained to participate in the pooja activity can slowly focus on swamy through which one slowly learn to control the mind and master the mind.

5) We shouldn't apply oil to our hair.
This is good whatever Dandruff you have it will be cleaned. This is again in synchronisation of seeing swamy everywhere by getting victory over the ego (I) factor. Swamy's should have less body consciousness and should win over their ego. Should be able to accept everyone as swamy without considering their external appearance. 

6) Please note that we should stop smoking,Drinking,Chewing Pan,Gutkha and all bad habits.

This is always good. Bad habits are a sign of mental weakness. To become mentally strong, one should quit these habits. By leaving them one will practice self control. Indirectly one will get confidence over himself, and slowly this will lead him to the path of success in his personal life. So leaving the bad habits is the first step in transformation of a person leading him to happiness and success.

7) Should Take Head bath Twice in a day with cold Water.
It keeps our selves Fresh and we will be very Active it can be experienced. Doing head bath with cold water makes the body and mind fresh and it helps in controlling the mind through the body. Mind always asks for comforts(like hot water), and by doing the cold water bath, we are winning over our mind. And as also word given by swamy to shani deva, swamys taking deeksha should have no comforts during their deeksha days. 

8) We shouldn't eat Non-veg,Onion's(Food Prepared with Onions),Garlic,Road sidefood. 
This is because, the food we eat will reflect on our thought process. There are basically 3 types of gunas , Sattvic, Rajasic and tamasic. And the foods who prepare them and intake them are reflected by their respective gunas. 

Sattvic foods are light and easy to digest.—They bring clarity and perception.—Sattvic food has the potential to unfolds love and compassion in the individual.—Sattvic food promotes the qualities of forgiveness and austerity.It gives a feeling of contentment.

Rajasic foods are hot, spicy and salty.—They are irritants and stimulants.—All morish or tempting foods come under the category of rajasic

—Heavily spiced foods e.g. hot pickles and chutneys which can stimulate the senses.—Rajasic foods make the mind more agitated and susceptible to temptation.—The mind can become more rajasic, which means it tends towards anger, hate and manipulation.

Tamasic food is heavy, dull and depressing.—It induces sleep.—Under this category comes dark meat, lamb, pork, beef, as well as thick cheese
—Old and stale food is also tamasic.—Only when too much of it is eaten, it causes the dulling effect.In moderation, tamasic food is considered as grounding and promotes stability.

One should go for only sattvic food during the deeksha period.

9) We should eat Food prepared by ourselves or By Other swamies or our people who did bath and prepared sacredly.

This has reason as Road side food and unhygenic food are not wise to Eat.As mentioned in the above rule, swamys should eat food prepared by other swamys or who are cooking with clean body and clean hearts.

10)We should not wear Foot Wear. 
This has a scientific approach , This gives accupunture to the body which controls blood pressure. Also when swamy's go to sabarimala, it is a totally hill area and forest area. One cannot travel in those areas with footwear, and accordingly it is needed to travel barefoot. So these 41 days swamys train their body and feet to withstand all the environment of the hill areas and the forest regions.

11)We should take meal only once in a day and night we should take only Tiffin(Ekha Bhuktham)
It cleans our Pancreas,Liver,Stomach. According to ayurveda, a person who eats once a day is a yogi, a person who eats twice a day is bhogi, and a person who eats thrice a day is rogi. We should eat to live, not live to eat. The deeksha is a tool to know thyself. In this process it is essential to survive ourselves, so we should take mimimum food sufficient to keep the body active, and not overburden it so that it makes us affected with diseases.

12) We should sleep on floor. 
This has scientific approach as earth is big magnet due to magnetic lines forces and planetary motion it gives physical ailments like body pains, spondalities etc. relief.

13)We should not Shave,No Hair Cut,no Cutting of Nails
This is again in synchronisation with what swamy had given word to shani deva that swamys will have mimimum comforts during their deeksha period. Also swamys should win over their ego and should be able to accept everyone as the form of swamy.

14) Swamys shouldn't wear any other coloured clothes except black

(Even Guru swamies they should wear black clothes coz, Ayyappa gave his words to Lord Sani i,e.Sanieshwar, " who ever takes my(Ayyappa) deeksha u shudn't trouble them and should excuse them(We) for this they(We) will wear only Balck colour dress as your(Sani's) Favorite colour is black " , This is having one scientific approach as black coloured objects absorbs more heat which gives necessary heat to withstand the temperature around during the season of karthik and margasira)

15) We shouldnt sleep in the Afternoon.
       Deeksha is to make us be in control of senses and win over the ego in realising the supreme Reality (Tat Twam Asi). To achieve this, one should follow the sattivic path, sleeping in other times like afternoon is a tamasic path, and will disturb the body composition and routine of a swamy. 

16) Swamy's shouldn't scold any one , shouldn't lie.
When we are seeing everyone as a form of Swamy, in what way can we abuse or scold that particular form of Swamy, or to whom we are lying. This is to learn and identify the reality that everything is permeated by swamy only.

17) We should call each and every person as Swamy(Males) and Amma or Matha for females.

This is the first step to realise Swamy, we train the mind to see every male person as a form of swamy and to see mother in every woman.

18) Who ever calls us for Biksha(Meal or Tiffin) we should try to attend and should never say no,Irrespective of caste and religion, shouldnt comment on the food what they keep, as Food is the another Depiction of Para Brahma.
Swamy is the embodiement of dharma and he is the authority for purnatwam (Purnam) and puskhalatwam(Pushkalam). So a person taking swamy deeksha will be blessed with abundance and completeness. If one has to be blessed, one should always take the prasadam of Swamy. Prasadam of swamy has to be taken in that sense only not considering the caste,creed,religion,race, status etc of the person. Getting food is a great blessing in disguise, only those who are fortunate will get the prasadam of swamy.

These are the 18 Sutra's for deeksha i Know.

And these are only according to my knowledge which I have scribbled, for actual confirmation one can consult and consider their guruswamy in case of doubt. Guru Swamy word is the final verdict. Whether it is right or wrong, if Guru Swamy says yes, then it is yes, and if he says it is no, then it is no. That's it. 

Hope by the grace of Swamy, persons who are taking ayyappa swamy deeksha do their deeksha in the right manner following the niyamas and fulfill their sabari yatra successfully.

 Om Sri Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa.


  1. It helps for the people who are not aware. Thank you so much for your efforts for putting together. Swamiee saranam ayyappa

  2. Its good. I am in deesha now, it helps me

    1. Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa. Good that now you are in deeksha, do the deeksha with faith in swamy.Follow the rules of deeksha properly and your sabari yatra by the grace of swamy will be fruitful and you will have divya darshan of lord. May all your dreams be fulfilled by the grace of swamy.

  3. This Ayyappa Swamy blessings are showered for ur concern to Swmies.Thank you.

    1. Thanks for all your blessings Swamy. I am just an instrument at his hands and a sand particle at his lotus feet. He is the one who is guiding people through me, if someone is reading here means, swamy has guided them through this site, answered their queries through this site. It is his grace which is just flowing.... words are less to describe about his grace..... Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa.

  4. Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa. Swami, let me know the differences between PeddhaPaadham, ChinnaPaadham & Virtual Q. I'm KanniSwamy.
    And also kindly let me know the next stages for KanniSwamy. As per my knowledge Next would be KatthiSwamy, then GandaSwamy, GadhaSwamy and let me know all the 18 Stages of Ayyappa Swamies.

    1. Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa.
      Peddha Paadham is the track we walk from Erumeli to sannidanam and this would be open from 1st January to 20th January of every year.
      Chinna Paadham is the track we walk from Pamba to Sannidanam. VirtualQ is an Online Portal for Devotees to book a slot on the separate Queue maintained by Kerala Police. This helps devotees to reach Sannidhanam without waiting in the long queue usually formed at Pampa.

  5. Swamy, I have another Doubt. Kindly clarify.
    Why does Ayyappa Swamy has Vishnu Naamam (Vertical Tilakam) on the Forehead and the Devotees have Shiva Naama (Horizontal Tilakam) on the Forehead.

    1. Swamy, it is only the imagination of artists/sculptors where they have put vertical tilakam and in some other images you can see only shiva naama but not vishnu naama. And in some photos you can actually view both the shiva naamam as well as vishnu naamam. Because he is hari hara putra, we apply both forms of naamas. Our guruswamy's have taught us the same thing. Even we apply both the naamas to swamy dollar on the mala.

    2. Swamy, it is only the imagination of artists/sculptors where they have put vertical tilakam and in some other images you can see only shiva naama but not vishnu naama. And in some photos you can actually view both the shiva naamam as well as vishnu naamam. Because he is hari hara putra, we apply both forms of naamas. Our guruswamy's have taught us the same thing. Even we apply both the naamas to swamy dollar on the mala.

  6. swami some r saying that we should not even talk with females it true????/

    1. Swamy,Yes during the 3 days females are having their menstural cycle, you should not see them or talk to them. The deeksha itself is to prepare your body and mind towards a highest goal. In this process, if you are getting deviated by being with feminine or speaking to them, it is absolutely better not to speak to them or be with them. Otherwise, If you are having control on your senses where you are not seeing the external beauty of them or their presence is not making any difference in your body or mind or thoughts, and you are in your absolute normal when being with them, then talking to them or being with them doesnt impact your deeksha. Rules for deeksha are always for your benefit only. It is not to show others that you are following or not to exhibit to others, the purpose of rules is for your inner transformation. It is simply like this, a piece of iron when contacted with a magnet for over a period of time will also imbibe the magnetic qualities and may attract other iron pieces. In a similar manner, when you are following all the rules of deeksha and visit swamy every year, over a period of time, you will be transformed and you will be useful to yourself,your family, your country and to this universe. That is the greatness of swamy deeksha. So have trust and follow all the rules. Hope you got your answer and by the grace of swamy, may you understand and implement in your deeksha. May you have a blissed and wonderful darshan of Lord and have a wonderful yatra.

  7. namaste swamy garu... i am taking deeksha in feb 27th,2016 for the first time in my life. 3 years back i met with an accident, in that accident my right ankle got 3 pieces. now i am fine. i am not able to walk with out chapels from past 3 years at home also. as per deekhsa rule swamy should not wear chapels. requesting you kindly help me on this. it is very difficulty for me to walk with bare foot at home only. i remove my chaples at time of sleeping only.

    1. namaste sunil kumar garu, yours is a special case and I personally discussed with my guruswamy regarding your case. Following are the few points you need to consider
      1) Because you are medically unable to walk without chappals, you can perform the deeksha wearing chappals. It is just like this, a person who is with some disease and is unable to take bath, applying vibuthi is equivalent to taking bath in such cases where there is inability. so too in your case, because your inability of walking barefoot being your medical condition, you can perform deeksha with chappals.
      2) The condition of barefoot in one way is designed because sabarimala is a hill, and it is easy for anyone having practice of walking barefoot to climb the hill without any difficulty. In your case, it is better you can take some doli from pamba to sannidanam and back to pamba, incase you are unable to climb the hill by walk.
      3) You said that you are taking the deeksha for first time, then who are with you and how are you going for yatra. It is always preferable to do yatra alongwith a group, preferably under the guidance of a guruswamy. For all the good and bad, which we dont know, guruswamy will always guide us in the right way, so doing yatra with guruswamy is the most preferred way of going to sabarimala.
      4)What is your present position, your health condition etc. I am not aware, so please check back with any available guruswamy who is approachable to you or who is guiding you regarding the deeksha and plan your deeksha and yatra accordingly.

      And finally,one personal suggestion, deeksha is to train the body and mind towards the highest goal of "tattwamasi", not to trouble it.Rules are for humans and not humans for rules. Rules of deeksha are also designed so that your body and mind gets trained and ahead in your life you can follow those rules to get transformed yourself and make your life a happy one alongthe path of being useful to this universe. Hope by the grace of lord you understand this and even if it takes time for you, plan deeksha and yatra under guidance of guruswamy only without ever trying to travel alone at any point of time.

    2. thanks swamy garu for your suggestions. i am taking diksha with my guruswamy only. for dolis is it necessary to book previously, or is it available there after i am reaching pabma.

      thanks for your valuable inputs and it is very useful for my life.

    3. Sunil kumar garu, it is good to know that you are taking diksha with your guruswamy only. Dolis are available at pamba and you can take them when you reach pamba. I pray swamy to bless you for whatever reason you want to take deeksha. Please have faith and do deeksha and yatra sincerely to feel the grace of swamy on you. May swamy bless you and your family.

  8. Thanx for sharing good information

  9. Thanx for sharing good information

    1. Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa. Good to know that whatever little knowledge which I have gained through many sources and being with all good souls and blessed souls is helping and guiding the people who are reading this article in one way or other. I thank from the bottom of my hearts to all those persons who had lit the flame of knowledge in a candle like me, I am just instrumental in passing on that knowledge to others so that this light of knowledge can be passed on to those who are ignorant or unaware. Salutations to all those who transmitted their knowledge to me, and salutations to all those who are learning something from this page or article. Will feel more blessed and happy if the information in this article had influenced you and you have learnt something from this and implemented in your life and created an impact in your inner transformation. All the credit goes to Guruvan Guru Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa, whose benevolent grace is just flowing through a small channel like me. What more can I say. Thanks for your comments. Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa. If you have taken deeksha, I pray that your deeksha and yatra should go smooth by the grace of lord and you have a divine darshan of lord. May all your desires be fulfilled by the grace of Swamy Ayyappa.

  10. Hello. I am planning to take deeksha in this dec-jan. I reside out of india. i am planning to come to india during these two months and take deeksha. At the end of deeksha, i will travel to sabarimala for jyothi darshan. I have a question. During the 41 days deeksha, can I travel to pilgrimages like tirupathi, sri saisalam, etc.. If i can travel, how should i manage daily poojas and what rules i should follow? can i take my family also when i travel? please advise.

    1. Namaskaram! Yes we can travel to pilgramage during our deeksha provided we take care of our deeksha rituals.During the deeksha, we need to perform puja twice a day in the morning and evening. So here we have two options either to establish the peetham ourselves to do the puja or else be an associate in a group, where the puja is done by a guruswamy or some senior swamy and we participate in the puja in a group.
      Now if we are establishing the peetham ourselves, then we need to have some swamy who can take care of the peetham(like cleaning the peetham, lighting the lamp, doing puja morning and evening etc) till we return back from pilgrimage and during pilgrimage also we need to follow our deeksha rituals (like taking the bath twice, eating at good and clean place or some temple, doing the puja in morning and evening etc). if possible take any small swamy photo alongwith you and do the puja at the pilgrimage place during your travel (maybe in your room or choultry etc where you stay), if not possible try to visit any temple in the morning and evening and chant swamy saranalu.
      If you are a part of group then you need not worry about the peetham, but still during the pilgrimage you need to either do puja or visit any temple and chant saranalu.
      Yes you can travel with your family, but by not disturbing your deeksha rituals. Please plan your pilgrimage accordingly so that atleast you have the possibility of taking bath twice and atleast visiting temple in morning and evening (and chant swamy saranalu during the temple visit).

    2. Thank you for the reply. Much appreciated.

    3. May I know when r u coming to Cochin airport or Erumeli, I am coming on 10 Jan around 9:30 am flight.

  11. swamy... my husband is going to wear mala in few days... he is out off home for those 45 days... plz tel me the proper rules to be followed by me..

    1. Namaskaram! As a wife, you play a significant role in the deeksha of your husband. Because your husband's deeksha will be fruitful only when you whole heartedly permit him to take deeksha, complete his deeksha and do his sabari yatra.

      Please eat only satwik food (vegetarian only) at your home or if you visit any friend or relative's houses during his deeksha period and till he returns back from his sabari yatra. Please if possible dont see your husband during the days of your menstural cycle. Please light lamp twice in your puja room in morning and evening. Please clean if possible your entire house or atleast your puja room daily till your husband deeksha is completed. Please try to maintain purity in your thoughts, actions, food you eat etc. Please support your husband by allowing him to follow his brahmacharya during the deeksha period. If he is staying in a group alongwith his guruswamy or other swamys to perform his deeksha and whenever he comes come home, treat him as a form of swamy only. And if you are cooking for him, please take headbath and cook for him. During his deeksha period, almost you are also like indirectly performing deeksha, so you can chant the name of the god whom you like more (ishta devata nama japam).
      Mother, these are some of the rules which I cross checked with my guruswamy and telling you. If any further things you have doubt you can write back or approach any guruswamy for clarifying things.
      Swamiye saranam ayyappa.

  12. Swami,Namaskaram,i am working in a IT company,last four years i have taken 41 days Dikshya,This time I am having International Meetings,Can i go for 21 days Dikhshya. Kindly suggest Me.But i want to go for Dikhshya.

    1. Namaskaram!Its happy to note that you want to take dheeksha and have the darshan of the lord. As you have already said that you have taken deeksha for 41 days for the last four years, you know that it is the mandate to have irumudi on your head to climb the padunettambadi.It is preferable to do the deeksha for 41 days only, but due to the constraints you expressed and the willingness you have shown, the decision to allow you for 21 days entirely depends on the guruswamy with whom you are doing your sabari yatra. So my sincere suggestion to you is to approach the guruswamy with whom you have been going to sabari for the last four years and sincerely express your constraints and willingness, who can certainly understand your situation and guide you and allow you with the grace of ayyappa. At the end, it is the Guruswamy who has to permit you and who has to allow you. so please go to your guruswamy. I sincerely pray the lord for you. may lord bless to fulfill your desire and may you have a wonderful sabari yatra.

  13. namaste swami... i want to take deeksha for the first time in 2016-2017. i want to know that is it necessary to continue taking deeksha in the coming years as well if i start once. For how many days should i take deeksha for the first time 41 or 21 days?

    1. Namaste ! Its good to note that you want to take swamy deeksha. But first have clarity why you want to take deeksha. Is it that somebody inspired you or you want some desire to be fulfilled and you are praying to lord or just because your friends/relatives/colleagues etc are going to sabarimala and you want to accompany them or are you facing any difficult phase in your life presently or you want to grow spiritually or what exactly is the reason which is inspiring you to take deeksha. Because this is not like other deeksha's. In Ayyappa Swamy Deeksha, Guruswamy plays a prominent role. The entire deeksha involves with guru tatwa.It is a concept of knowing first you need to go to some guruswamy, express your desire and seek permission so that he allows you to take deeksha and come along with him for sabari yatra. People who take deeksha for first time are known as kanne swamy. so kanne swamy should know all the rules of deeksha and follow them accordingly.

      It is not necessary that once you take deeksha, you should continue it, though people who once take deeksha feel the power of swamy and generally continue it every year. It is like this a piece of iron after being in regular contact with a magnet acquires the characteristics of a magnet, similarly a normal person taking deeksha, following rules, visiting swamy regularly for some years (18 years) will acquire the charismatic and magnetic like good qualities which transforms him and he will be useful to himself, his family, his county, to the manking and to this universe.

      Under normal circumstances, deeksha should be done for a minimum period of 41 days, some one can do more number of days also. To climb the 18 steps at sabarimala, we need to carry irumudi and to have irumudi on our head, we need to do the deeksha for atleast 41 days. Now less than that, you have to seek permission from guruswamy, who will decide whether to allow you or not for 21 days. This cant be generic and it will be based on individual's circumstances. If you explain your willigness and your circumstances, he may understand and allow you under special case scenarios. So please approach the guruswamy with whom you are planning to do deeksha and do your sabari yatra.

      And one final word, it is better to do a minimum of 41 days deeksha. Please know all the rules of deeksha and follow them with sincerity, the rules have been designed and framed for the inner transformation of the persons taking swamy deeksha. Because you are taking deeksha for first time, if you dont know anything or have any doubts, get them cleared from senior swamy's or guruswamy,ask them but dont come to conclusions,dont assume anything and dont speak negative. Definetly by the grace of swamy you can feel the change within your innerself, your thought process, your attitude, your behaviour. I pray lord to bless you. May you do your deeksha sincerely and have a wonderful sabari yatra.

      Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa.

  14. Namaskara swamy I am doctor I want to take mala this year in this month first time I am wearing mala so can u guide me how many days I want to keep mala and what I should do and what I should not do I am staying with friends swamy as my duty purpose

    1. Namaskar! You are taking mala for first time, you are known as kanne swamy. Please ensure that you follow the rules of Deeksha sincerely.The Deeksha had to be done for minimum of 41 days. If you don't know anything or understand anything,ask your guruswamy or any other senior swamy, but dont assume or conclude things. Always think positive, speak positive, act positive, no negative talk, no gossip.always try to help others within your possible capacity. You need to do Puja morning and evening, so either you need to have a peetham at your place or you need to be at your guruswamy or senior swamy place and participate in Puja along with them. Avoid non veg during Deeksha. You have to eat only once during lunch and eat tiffin or any fruits during night (unless you have any health complications where you can take breakfast). Try to maintain purity in your thoughts, words and actions. Know the significance of Deeksha and Yatra from guruswamy or any senior swamy. Ask questions only to know, not to check their knowledge or criticise them or cross question them.if you are married first take whole hearted permission from your wife to take Deeksha and do Yatra. If you are married try avoid seeing your wife during her menstural cycle period or any other woman also in your family during their periods. If you are unmarried you need to take permission from your parents. Always listen to guruswamy keenly.always consult in case of any doubt,dont act according to your own ideas and first you need to approach your guruswamy and plan accordingly your deeksha and Yatra. Most of the common deeksha rules are mentioned in the above article, for any other things act according to your guruswamy. Remember that guruswamy is a form of lord Ayyappa, so his word is final even if it appears wrong from your perspective. So always try to look things in positive perspective only. I pray lord for you. May you have a wonderful darshan of lord. Always chant Ayyappa saranalu during Deeksha and till you return from your Sabari Yatra.

      Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa

  15. Replies
    1. Thanks! I am just sharing the little knowledge which I have acquired over period of time. I am happy that my little knowledge is helping somebody to do the deeksha in the right manner and indirectly helping them for their inner transformation. This small effort only to be part of elevation, where people can have the results. Because swamy himself is the authority for purna(completeness) and pushkala(abundance), people visiting him will always be blessed with fulfillment and they will not have any scarcity in their life. According to my experience if you do things after you understand their purpose, you can get effective results otherwise also if you have unshakable faith then also you will get effective results. The people who are not getting the results are only those people who do not have faith or who are not aware about the things which they are doing. Half knowledge is always dangerous. So my aim is to let people become aware (who take swamy deeksha) and know the purpose and do it whole heartedly to have the complete grace of swamy showered on them. I have personally seen so many people whom the society thought that they are fit for nothing, who later on blossomed to great individuals after taking swamy deeksha and done sabari yatra for few years. So my experience tells me that people who didn't leave swamy and stay attached to him have been transformed in their lives and have been blessed. I can definetly say that any normal person can elevate to greater heights if he stays attached to swamy for certain years just like an iron piece gets magentic qualities after being attached to a magnet for certain period of time. I pray for you. May swamy shower his blessings on you and your family.

      Swamiye saranam ayyappa.

  16. Namaskaram swamy ! I am planning to take deeksha in nov first week alobg with a group.But I have a small doubt here. Actually, immediately after taking deeksha , am(with) going to tirupathi for my daughter's first hair cut ceremony.So am in a confusion wether it is recommended or not.please give your valuable suggestion.Thanks ib advance!!

    1. Namaskaram ! I cross checked with my guruswamy, you can go along with your family for your daughter's first hair cut ceremony to tirupathi. Visiting a punya kshetra like tirupathi is a blessing for you. Visiting punya kshtera's during deeksha period is always good provided we take care of our deeksha rules. May Lord Venkateshwara shower his blessings on you and your family.

      May your swamy deeksha and sabari yatra be fruitful and you have the wonderful darshan of swamy ayyappa.

      Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa.

    2. Thanks alot swamy for your kind reply.

      Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa.

  17. Why should not swamy see a lady who had menstrual cycle. what is the problem

    1. Namaskar! This particular rule where a swamy should not see a lady during her menstrual period should be understood in a proper perspective or right dimension.
      At the core we need to understand that the person taking deeksha himself is rigorously preparing his body and mind for a specific purpose(namely knowing thyself or experiencing GOD within and around, whether the person taking it is aware or not but the deeksha itself is designed in that way [initially the person may take for different purpose, but if he sticks on to it for some years, definitely his perspective will change and he will be bound to question himself, "who am I", "what is the purpose of my life" etc]).
      As I have written in the above article and as always been quoting in my various answers, it is the goal and all the remaining are only steps or intermediate benefits towards that final destination only. So maintaining purity in our thoughts, actions, place we live, food we eat etc are utmost important. So all the rules, if we observe carefully, their ultimate purpose somehow directly or indirectly will be cleansing process only, because where purity exists there divinity reflects. Cleansing at all levels (namely body level- bath, at mind level- saranalu,bhajan, puja etc). The body and the mind are the vehicle to reach this goal. So in a way we should keep both the body and mind intact and use it as a tool to reach the goal (tatwamasi). If we stick onto swamy for certain years every year we overcome an inner hurdle to move one step towards the goal. We can remove all the earlier vasanas or samskaras and finally one day will be left pure just as a camphor after lighting remains odourless and traceless.
      So generally we avoid all such possibilities which can disturb deeksha rules and follow or accept all those possibilities which can sync with deeksha rules and make our body and mind get ready for this process. Things like doing puja, bhajan, offering food(annadan), helping others, doing seva, visiting temples, doing pada namaskar to other swamy's, doing satsang and participating in satsang, uyyala seva to swamy, harivarasanam and suprabatham to swamy, abhisekham to swamy etc. all these are on the positive side and will not drain out the energy in a person, rather enhance the energy levels and give satisfaction/happiness to the persons involved with them.
      (Here a point to note is that everyone may not get the same result of them, they need to check which one suits them or which one activity is giving them that result of happiness/satisfaction - normally navavidha bhakti marga or The nine forms of devotion are:
      Shravanam – Hearing the names and glories of the Lord
      Keertanam – Chanting His glories
      Smaranam – Remembering the Lord
      Paada sevanam – Serving the Lord’s feet
      Archanam – Worshiping the Lord
      Vandanam – Offering obeisance unto the Lord
      Daasyam – Serving the Lord as His servant
      Sakhyam – Developing friendship with the Lord
      Aatma Nivedanam – Total surrender of oneself to the Lord)

      Now few of the things which tend to change the positive rhythm such as going for toilet , passing besides or coming in contact with dead body, going to a hospital etc. In such cases generally it is suggested that by taking a bath we try to regain the purity, because water had been given that special status where we become pure again. (Now someone may ask just by mere taking bath will someone become pure, definitely the bath is for external body which cleanses the impurities and brings cleanliness and freshness and make us pure from externally, for the mind we need to chant the name of the lord- so here may say swamy saranalu or use any one form of nava vidha bhakti or guru smarana or ishta devata nama japam etc).

      contd.. in next reply

    2. So one of the special case is a woman with her menstrual cycle - during that period, women lose their energy and try to absorb high level energies which come in contact or be near to them and in some cases because they lose their energy they feel like staying just like that and may not consider about their personal hygiene. For the same reason the women during menstrual cycle were given chance to stay aside during their period so that they can rejuvenate (who will not have necessary energy to work during that period - normally some family members support their role during that period and should do it).So when we are building the energy levels of ours by taking deeksha and following the rules, by any chance if we come near them, we have the chance to lose our higher energy levels. So persons taking swamy deeksha should avoid being within the proximity of a lady with menstural cycle.
      If you want further dimensions about this you can just check this link - some lady had already done lot of research on this particular aspect of women menstrual cycle.

      Now there is an another perspective for which I am taking the basis as Srimad Bhagavatham, Canto 6

      Basing on this angle:
      Lord Indra ill-treated his guru Bhrispathi, who wanted to teach him for his arrogance. Bhrispathi will make himself disappear for the vision of Indra. Once Asuras come to know about that brihspathi left Indra, they attack devas and dethrone Indra. Indra alongwith devas took refuge at lotus feet of Brahma, who guided them to visvarupa. They approached him and asked him to be their guru, which he agreed, gave narayana kavacha to Indra and by the power of narayana kavacha, Indra regained his throne. Later when Indra comes to know that Visvarupa is parting the yagna offerings supposed to be given to devas with Asuras, he immediately without any thought beheads visvarupa. Immediately brahmahatya (sin - killing of a brahma gyani- a guru) consequence in the form of a bird troubled Indra for 1 year. Later he wanted to get rid of this and four entities agreed to bear this quarter each of the consequence. Earth, Trees, Water and Women were the ones who agreed to accept the quarter each of the consequence (sin) in return of a boon.
      Earth took the quarter part of the sin as visible sign of saline lands and got the boon that any big hole dug up will be filled back again. Trees got their visible sign as sap/gum flowing when a tree is cut and the boon that branches and twigs will grow back even if they are cut provided the roots exist. Water got their visible sign as bubbles/foam and the boon that it can be used as a purifier tool for any aspect(during puja or anything, water is only used for washing hand, doing achamana etc). Finally women got their visible sign as monthly period and got the boon of greater and constant sexual appetite.

      As per srimad bhagavatham- these four entities part should be avoided - i.e with respect to land - saline land, with respect to trees- tree sap or tree gum, with respect to water- foam water or water with bubble, with respect to woman- woman during her menstural cycle.

      So in a way, because sign of menstrual period is a consequence of brahma hatya or sin of killing a guru, and the swamy deeksha deals with guru tatwa as swamy ayyappa is considered guruvan guru (as killing of a guru [visvarupa] is a very big sin) it was designed or framed that during the menstural cycle one should not see woman.

      Please Note:
      The first dimension is the only one which had been told by my guruswamy, the second dimension is my individual perspective after listening to various pravachans and going through srimad bhagavatham.

      If you have any thing to say or ask further you can write back to me or if any very knowledge person or senior guruswamy is approachable to you, you can verify with them.

      Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. swamy i need to get sleep for utleast 1hr in afternoon ,.,., because i am preparing for exams ,.,due to lack of sleep i am unable to concentrate in evenings,.,.is it compulsory to follow it,.,about sleeping in afternoon times,.,plz guide me,.,.swamy saranam,.,.

    1. Namaskar! Specific circumstances and specific situations cannot be told in generic. The general deeksha rule is that swamy's shouldn't sleep in the afternoon. Under special cases, the guruswamy may allow depending on your situation or circumstances, So my advise is please approach your guruswamy and act accordingly.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. i have a doubt about 18 times continuity of mala,.,.is it compulsory to take continuously,., r v miss a year by any means,.,.then again we should start from kanni swamy freshly again to complete 18 times,.,. are it is not that necessary

    1. Namaskar! It is not compulsory to take continuously though it is preferable if it is possible. Sometimes for various reasons it may not be possible (in certain cases such as a death occuring in direct relation or wife carrying etc) then a break may come and can be continued next year.

      Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa

  21. I am intrested take swamy mala this year but i just got job in IT company in hyd i am frm vizag now i have rotational shifts day and night how will i fallow the pooja and rules of swamy mala

    1. Namaskar! First of all please check if your company allows you to come into office with deeksha dress and be in deeksha rituals, because during deeksha one should not wear chappals, should'nt shave and wear chandan,kumkum on forehead etc. If the company agrees and knows about ayyappa swamy deeksha and are not against it, you can request them to allow you in one shift for these 40 days and later they can change you for rotational shifts. Mostly they may agree. If you stick to one shift, then it will be easy for you to plan and follow the puja and other rules of deeksha. In extreme situations where your HR/Company doesn't allow for one shift, atleast request them the shift timings in such a way that you can sync with the deeksha rules without disturbing your profession. If you can let know what are the timings of your shifts, probably can guide you better.

      I pray swamy for you. May your deeksha and sabari yatra be fruitful and you have a wonderful darshan of lord.

      swamiye saranam ayyappa

    2. In case your company doesn't allow for one shift, then in that case please see to it that you are associated in a group where the puja rituals are taken care by guruswamy or any senior swamy and depending on your shift you can participate in the puja. Being special kind of cases like this, you can take some flexibility in participating because your survival is first, for which you are doing your job, and swamy deeksha should not be a troublesome rather than helping you. Special case where inability or situation doesnt permit, chant the name of the lord and continue the deeksha. And please contact your guruswamy to explain him about your situation and a proper schedule for special case like yours.

      Swamiye saranam ayyappa

  22. Hi swamy, can we wear new sacred thread(jandhyam) on the day we are under going deeksha? Also can we have some sacred thread(kankanam) around the wrist which generally people wear..pls do reply.

    1. Namaskar! Yes, you have to wear new sacred thread on the day we are under going deeksha i.e before mala dharana. Yes you can have any sacred thread around the wrist.

  23. Thank you swamy, for your kind sharing the information very useful to new ayyappas like me

    1. Namaskar! Thank the lord. I am just a sand particle at his lotus feet. I am just sharing the little knowledge which I aquired over the years. Thanks to all the people who shared their knowledge with me. Knowledge is divine, knowledge is power. And if people do things after gaining knowledge, know and do it with right perspective, it is bound that the results will be fruitful, positive and effective. This article is just an attempt to guide the people who doesnt know to make them aware and let the grace of swamy felt in their lives and in their transformation which ultimately should benefit them, their families, their country and this universe. If you can understand this principle and your life reflects your character which helps transform the lives of people, then you are a blessed soul and I feel that my effort in writing this article and creating this blog is a fruitful. Please have faith and follow the rules of deeksha sincerely and if possible,(if you dont leave swamy and) stay for few years with swamy, then I can guarantee you that you will see and feel the grace of swamy in your life. Your transformed life should be an example to others. Hope you understand this by the grace of swamy.

      I pray swamy for you and your family. May your deeksha and sabari yatra be fruitful and you have a wonderful darshan of lord.

      swamiye saranam ayyappa.

  24. yes really these paper will helps to the "kanne swamies"om sri swamiye saranam ayyapa

    1. I pray swamy for you and your family. May swamy blessings be showered upon you.

      Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa

  25. Hi swami ,

    i have started deeksha from today on wards.This is the first time i am doing this.i had a major accident in the year 2002 and recovered by took almost a year to recover from the accident.still i am unable to sit on the floor .can i use chair to do puja and perform all other things related to deeksha.

    1. Namaskaram! Om Guruswamiye! Saranam Ayyappa!
      Yes, you can use chair to do puja and perform all other things related to deeksha. Please feel comfortable and place the swamy peetham at a little height than your chair. As quoting in other answers and has been saying always, deeksha rules are not to trouble us, rather prepare us for a bigger goal namely tattwamasi. So if everything is fine, we should definetly follow all the rules and for exceptional cases and where there is inability or difficulty, some flexibility or relaxation is provided keeping in view of the larger goal. You please realise this fact and try to concentrate on the bigger goal by following all the possible deeksha rules within your possible capacities. I hope by the grace of swamy you understand this.

      I pray swamy for you and your family. May swamy shower his blessings on you and your family. May your deeksha and sabari yatra be fruitful and you have a wonderful darshan of lord.

      swamiye saranam ayyappa.

  26. Thank you very much for your reply and it gives me motivation to do deeksha.

  27. Swamiye saranam ayyappa I took deeksha for first time can you please give the information about
    Swamy who is kadutha swamy and karuppa swamy and malikapurathamma Devi what is the relationship between Ayyappa

    1. Namaskaram! Om Guru Swamiye ! Saranam Ayyappa!
      Karuppu Swami and Karuppai Amma were people from forest who helped Lord Ayyappa in his divine mission and are believed to have divine powers. The temple of Karuppa Swami is located on the right side of holy eighteen steps or padunettambadi of sabarimala temple. The temple of karuppu swami also includes the murti of karuppai amma. Valiya Kadutha is also another attendant of Lord Ayyappa. There is another shrine of Kochu Kadutha near the Malikapuramma temple and this diety is a warrior who fought along with Ayyappa. Devotees offer some token amount and other offerings before climbing the padunettambadi.

      Malikapuramma temple is a small temple located on the right side of the main temple at sabarimala. The popular belief is that she is the beautiful woman that emerged from the body of demon mahishi when Ayyappa killed her and requested him to marry her. But Ayyappa told her that he was a brahmachari and he couldn't marry her and his purpose is to uplift his devotees and his mission is different. When malikapuramma continuously pleaded to marry her, then ayyappa said that he will marry her when no kanne swamy comes to his shrine. The first time swamy's known as kanne swamy pierces an arrow at sarangutti on the way to sabarimala temple. Every year malikapuramma is taken from malikapuramma temple to sarangutti in a procession to know whether any kanne swamy have arrived at sabari. She returns back after finding the arrows pierced at sarangutti. Most important puja and offerings performed at malikapuramma temple is bhagavati seva.

      A unique ritual performed by ayyappa devotees at malikapuram temple is the rolling of coconuts or thengaiuruttu. Another popular belief among devotees is that blouse pieces which are brought in irumudi and placed at feet of malikapuramma, when given to an umarried girl and when she wears it as a blouse will bless her with quickly marriage. So devotees purposefully request unmarried girls to put their blouse pieces in irumudi and pray at malikapuramma temple and return to them after sabari yatra.

      I pray for you and your family. May your deeksha and sabari yatra be fruitful and you have a wonderful darshan of lord.
      Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!

  28. Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa. I stay in pg in Bangalore and I'm working in rotational shifts. I want to wear mala to get rid of my bad habits and to know myself. Can I alone do this Deeksha and what I need to do it alone? Where can I meet guruswamy to give me maladharan?

    1. Namaskaram! Om Guru Swamiye! Saranam Ayyappa!
      Your wish to take mala to get rid of bad habits is really appreciable. I pray lord to give you enough strength to overcome your bad habits so that you become a good human being who gets transformed and become useful to himself, his family, society, this country and the universe.

      People who take the deeksha for first time are known as kanne swamy and it is always preferrable to be associated with a group or a guruswamy or a senior swamy so that you will be easily guided whenever you get any doubt - what to be done and what not to be done - .

      From all our previous experiences we have seen that kanne swamy has got a special significant place among ayyappa devotees, because kanne swamy being the choicest of ayyappa, what ever a kanne swamy speaks will happen and people think that when a kanne swamy comes to their puja, they feel that ayyappa himself had come to their puja, if they offer food to kanne swamy they feel as if ayyappa himself is taking their offering. Even during the sabari yatra if a kanne swamy is accompanying the troupe, they feel that ayyappa is accompanying them and their yatra will be safe and fruitful.

      From the kanne swamy perspective, he is taking deeksha for first time and will not know anything about the ayyappa swamy deeksha or the rules to be followed, so always better to associated with a guruswamy or some senior swamy. You can easily find some guruswamy if you have any ayyappa swamy temple and go there or else if you find any people coming to any nearby temple wearing swamy deeksha dress, you can approach them to take to their guruswamy and request them to give you deeksha and allow you to travel along with them in their sabari yatra.

      Please note that ayyappa swamy deeksha is a special deeksha and not like other deekshas where you can do the deeksha alone. Here also after you are properly acquainted with all the deeksha rules, then you can do the deeksha alone, maybe after 4th or 5th time onwards, till such time, it is preferrable to do alongwith a group or guruswamy or senior swamy.
      Ayyappa swamy deeksha is related with guru tatwa and for this the deeksha has been designed where you will have a guruswamy (generally a very senior person who had taken deeksha and went to sabari many times and who knows all the deeksha rules and about ayyappa) who can do mala dharana to give deeksha and who can remove mala after coming back from sabari yatra, who can clear your doubts about deeksha and explain to you about guru tatwa, ayyappa swamy, the significance of tatwamasi etc.

      Reply contd..

    2. If it is just maladharana, mother being the first guru is absolutely eligible to put the mala to you or a pujari in the ayyappa swamy temple or in the least case any other temple pujari is also eligible apart from the guruswamy to give maladharana.

      But, for deeksha rules and properly doing the deeksha you need to know them from any guruswamy and follow them. Doing alone the deeksha is the last option for you.

      Few points which you need to remember are no negative talk, no gossips. Try to look always the positive dimension or positive perspective in the circumstances which are happening to you in your daily life. Maintain a dairy, note all the events. At the end of the day, after your puja and before you sleep, sit before swamy and confess truthfully what all happened everyday, if you have done any mistake, pray swamy to give you enough strength so that you dont make that mistake again. You can see the change in youself after you return back from sabari yatra. If you can understand the essence of one single thing why we call as swamy every other person who had taken swamy deeksha, that's enough for you to move ahead towards the goal "know thyself". They should not be just mere words, but you should be able to feel and experience that. That experience should reflect in your words, thoughts and actions. Try to analyse those simple statement why we are calling everyone as swamy. This onething is enough for you to make you reach the goal provided you understand and experience it.

      Pray with sincerity to swamy and he will definetly make you meet with a guruswamy with whom you can do your deeksha and sabari yatra.

      I pray swamy for you and your family. May god bless you with enough strength to overcome your bad habits and be a transformed human being. May swamy bless you to find a guruswamy who can guide you and take you alongwith him for sabari yatra.

      Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa

    3. Thank u Swami for your clear cut explanation.

  29. namaste swamy.i am taking deeksha this year.wat r the rules to be followed by wife if husband is taking deeksha.pls advice.tanq

    1. Namaskaram! Om Guruswamiye ! Saranam Ayyappa!
      Please answer these few questions for yourself.
      1) Had you taken permission from your wife to take deeksha and do sabari yatra.
      2) Are you establishing a peetham at your home or are you part of a group and staying with them during deeksha.

      First thing in swamy deeksha is that your wife should whole heartedly permit you to take deeksha and yatra, if she is unwilling and you forcibly take deeksha, doesnt yield you any fruitful result, rather you should explain to her how the grace of swamy can transform the lives of people taking deeksha and seek her whole hearted permission.

      Wife according to hinduism is known dharma patni and for every activity a married person (gruhasthu) does she is the authoritative one to be part along with the husband, and without her, husband cannot and shouldnt do any deeksha's, yagna's etc. Even if he is doing, they will not give him the required results. So the role of a wife is very important.

      Even in swamy deeksha, indirectly she is also doing deeksha alongwith her husband. So if you are establishing a peetham at your home itself, then she has every right apart from your mother to cook for you which she can do after taking the headbath. You shouldn't see her or talk to her during her menstural period. It is better if she also eats only satwik and vegetarian food and avoid non-veg food during your deeksha period and if she visits any relatives/friends or other places till your deeksha period is completed.

      If you are staying with a group and away from home, then she should light the lamp in puja place daily morning and evening, if possible clean (mop the floor) the entire house or atleast the puja room daily. If you or any other swamy comes home, treat them as if swamy ayyappa came home and offer the hospitality accordingly.

      If possible she can also do some parayan or ishta devata nama japa or any other devotion path of her choice during this period and to the maximum maintain purity in thoughts, words, and actions. Avoid negative thoughts, gossip, negative talk about others etc. She should support husband to fully follow his brahmacharya during the deeksha period. She should support husband fully for his deeksha and yatra to be fruitful.

      I Pray Swamy to bless you and your family. May your deeksha and yatra be fruitful by the grace of the lord and you have a wonderful darshan of the lord.

      Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!

  30. Namaskaaram Swamy. I'm going to wear Ayyappa Maala this year for the first time. As I'm preparing for some competitive exams, can I have a short nap before evening Pooja ritual in order to focus on my studies? (I'm asking this because, as you said in one of the above conversations that Swamy can not sleep during afternoon time). Kindly give me a solution for my query. Thank you.

    1. Namaskaram! Om Guru Swamiye! Saranam Ayyappa!
      Amendments/excemptions etc are only for those people who are having inability or difficulty where genuinely they are unable to follow deeksha rules but still willing to take deeksha. The general rule is that you shouldn't sleep in the afternoon which shows that it is a tamasic path. Deeksha rules are designed to take you to satwic path and move ahead towards your goal. Why do you need to sleep in the afternoon/evening, cant you plan so that you wake up early and read or plan in such a way that you read for some time before you sleep etc. When you are fine in all aspects why you want some relaxation, pray sincerely to swamy, he will give you the necessary inner strength to overcome your inability and win over your mind. Have a strong sankalpa and you can definitely follow all rules and as well reach your goal of coming out with flying colours in your competitive exam. If for such a short period of time (41 days), you are not able to balance the deeksha and your preparation for competitive exams, how will you face so many different phases of your life. Have faith in swamy and learn to balance between both the deeksh and your competitive exam preparation. It is your mind which is asking for relaxation, you should win over your mind and the deeksha should be the right one to help you in achieving it.
      And as you said that your are taking for first time, you will have a special sort of enerygy flowing within you from the moment you take deeksha / mala dharana. so be careful about your words and actions. Always speak good, positive words only. No negative talk, no gossips, no bad talk about others. Even for yourself also never think I am failure, I may not crack this competitive exam etc. Always believe in yourself and by the grace of swamy you can crack the competitive exam. Hope you understand by the grace of swamy. No assumptions or conclusions, if you don't know anything ask guruswamy or senior swamy and act accordingly. Listen carefully to what guruswamy says, don't take his words light.

      I pray swamy for you and your family. May your deeksha and sabari yatra be fruitful and you have a wonderful darshan of the lord.

      Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!

  31. Namaskaram swamy. I am planning to take mala this year for first time. I will exercise daily morning. can i do my exercise in the mala as well ?

    1. Namaskaram! Om Guru Swamiye! Saranam Ayyappa!
      Yes you can do your regular works which you do daily. No restrictions. Only thing is plan accordingly so that your deeksha rituals doesn't get disturbed.

      I pray for you and your family. May your deeksha and sabari yatra be fruitful and you have a wonderful darshan of lord.

      Swamiye saranam ayyappa

  32. Swamy Saranam! Swamy Saranam!
    Namasthey SK Prasad Guru Swamy
    Guru Swamy ki PADABI VANDANAM..
    Am very much impressed swamy with your each and everywords. I respect your words from the bottom of my heart. Right now am in SWAMY DEEKSHA, last ten years back i have completed three times deeksha along with my father and got break ten years due to some reasons every year, but i visited every year in civil till last year 2015. Now this year with blessings of Ayyappa i got a chance to do deeksha, am very much happy with this and i feel am blessed.
    From my childhood only am very much interested in ayyappa and i believe him literally I LOVE AYYAPPA. Without ayyappa am not there that much am connected with ayyappa and his words.
    Few things am learned from my father and am much very much interested to know many things like what to do..what not to do.. and i used to read different kind of books by this only i got your BLOG page and i have read everything am feeling happy.
    As per my knowledge GURU is very important role in this deeksha. Need to take guru guidance and have to follow them everyone.
    After reading your blog am feeling very happy and now got a guru to guide me go in right path.
    Can i get your email id swamy.. Please..
    Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa

    1. Namaskar! Om Guru Swamiye! Saranam Ayyappa!
      Dear Kiran Swamy! It gives immense pleasure to me to note that you love ayyappa and you are happy with the blog, and you have been visiting swamy even in civil till 2015. Your keen interest in ayyappa only brought you to this blog, as I have been mentioning, I am just a tool, and it is my belief that it is He himself who answers the queries of people through a channel like me. It is not just coincidental that someone is reading this blog, they have been driven to this page.

      And as rightly observed by you, GURU plays a very important role in this deeksha,and we consider Ayyappa as Guruvan Guru. He guides through Guruswamy's. So in a sense, guruswamy is a form of ayyappa. If you are ready to listen, then definitely he will answer any of your queries and the only thing is you should be open and shouldn't have any pre formed notions. You should be ready to shed all your pre-notions, your fears, your ideas when you want to know the real truth.Open to learn or the willingness to learn is the eligibility. I really appreciate your thirst to know and travel in the right path. I am just a sand particle at his lotus feet and it is He who guides people, blesses, transforms and does everything. In essence, be good and do good.

      You provide me your email id and I will communicate to that Id.This blog is a service to his lotus feet and not for publicity, and I am just trying to create awareness among those people who doesn't know the deeksha rules with whatever little knowledge I acquired. Seeing your keen interest, I will share whatever little knowledge I have acquired and if it helps you, then I feel my life on this earth has served its purpose by helping atleast one individual.

      I pray Swamy for you and your family. May Swamy bless you in abundance. May your deeksha and sabari yatra be fruitful and you have a wonderful darshan of lord.

      Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa

    2. Swamiye! Saranam Ayyappa!

      Thank q swamy for your reply.

      this is my email id

  33. What are the requirements and how to establish a peetham in home?

    1. Namaskaram! Om Guru Swamiye! Saranam Ayyappa!
      Please approach your guruswamy with whom you are taking deeksha and doing the sabari yatra. Because every guruswamy has his own way of performing the puja
      and establishing the peetham. Because you are travelling with them, it will be easy for you if you can sync with them and follow their method.

      I will provide the general structure here: you can verify with your guruswamy and follow their method.
      The Peetham is just like a temporary temple for your deeksha period where you are making the swamy to be seated. So you need to take care of its cleanliness, serenity and purity.

      1)Preferable separate room (if not possible, either in your puja room or any other convenient room) with clean and serene atmosphere and without disturbance from others.
      2) Have a table structure where on you can put the photo of swamy ayyappa (where ganapathi,subramany and ayyappa are together). first put the black towel or any black cloth, on top of that put some rice, whereon you place the swamy photo.
      3) Tie a coin (1rupee or 2 rupee or 5 rupee etc) in an yellow cloth known as mudupu(pray to the lord for your desire which you want to be fulfilled, if you dont have any specific desire, you can pray for the welfare,peace,harmony of this universe) and place it before the lord, this you have to take when you are leaving to sabari yatra and put it in hundi at sabarimala.
      4) Light the lamp, first time avahana mantra should be read where you are installing the lord or making him seated and till the deeksha is not completed you should not read the udvasana mantra (bidding farewell to swamy). When you return from sabari yatra, then you have to read the udvasana mantra and move the peetham.
      5) Daily the puja for ganapathi, subramanya and Ayyappa along with malikapuramma should be done in morning and evening and according to your capacity you can offer fruits,flowers and other upacharas.
      6) Daily the peetham room should be cleaned and mopped.
      7) You have to maintain cleanliness in the peetham room, because it is just like a temple for these 41 days.
      8) One shouldn't enter the peetham room without washing their feet.

      This is in the simplest form where anybody can establish a peetham at their home and perform puja according to their capacity. Only thing is you should not move the lord or read the udvasana mantra till your deeksha is completed and you return from sabarimala. As told to you earlier, you can verify with your guruswamy and act accordingly and follow their method of puja and peetham. Because some guruswamy's do harivarasanam daily, some doesn't do. some do daily suprabatham, some doesn't do. Like this there are various variations with each and every guruswamy. There is no commonly accepted style. It all depends on how the guruswamy is specifying the puja rituals. Instead of analysing or questioning, I suggest you better follow the style what your guruswamy suggests and act accordingly.

      Hope you understand this by the grace of swamy. If you need any further clarifications write back to me or ask your guruswamy.

      Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa

  34. Swamy garu,

    My husband is going to take his 1st Swamy Deeksha from tomorrow. he'll be mostly staying out for the 41 days Swamy. if the peetham is established at home what should i do during the 3days? and should i not talk even on phone during the 3days as we have a 1yr kid who talks with his dad daily on phone or he becomes upset. Please guide us Swamy.

    Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa

    1. Namaskaram! Om Guruswamiye! Saranam Ayyappa!
      Mother, if he is staying mostly out, why are you planning to establish a peetham at home, rather he can participate in the group alongwith his guruswamy or be associated with any nearby senior swamy and perform his deeksha where they can take care about peetham and he can just be part of it.

      Still if you want to have the peetham at home, then plan accordingly where that room is separate and you dont interact with him during that period and if provision is not there, atleast you plan to stay at your parents place or any close relative place during that period and even if that is not possible, in the least case atleast have a curtain and do not interact with him.

      Is there nobody else in the family who can support you during the 3 days, maybe your in-laws or somebody or you can invite someone to come and support you during that period. or you can go to your parents place or any close relative place during those 3 days where they can make your child speak to his father on the phone. If you have any possibility, please try to balance between your circumstances without disturbing your husband deeksha. Only in very unavoidable circumstance and where you dont have any other option, you talk to your husband for the sake of your child.

      Mother, you haven't given complete info so that I can guide you. It will be better if you can approach the guruswamy with whom your husband is travelling to sabari and probably he may know your family and circumstances personally and will guide you.

      I pray swamy for you and your husband and your family. May swamy bless your husband to have his deeksha and sabari yatra fruitful and have a wonderful darshan of lord.

      Swamiye Saranam Ayyapp!

    2. Thanks Swamy garu.
      Will follow the Deeksha as per the rules.
      Thanks for the guidance Swamy.
      Can I again bother you for further details Swamy?
      Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!

    3. Namaskar! Om Guru Swamiye ! Saranam Ayyappa!
      Yes, you are welcome to ask for any details and I will try to guide you to the best of my knowledge.

      Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Swamy saranam, myself and my daughter are wearing mala and about to travel sabarimala on November 16. In this circumstance, my maternal cousin (my mother's sister son)expired now. What is the procedure?

  37. Namaskar! Om Guruswamiye saranam Ayyappa!
    Your cousin (mother's sister son) will have a different family name and so you don't have any restriction. You can continue your travel to sabarimala. But please don't go to your cousin house till you return back from sabarimala and you can visit their house after your return. If anybody else in your house wants to visit, they can visit them.

    I Pray for your cousin. May his soul rest in peace.

    I pray for you and your family. May Swamy shower his blessings on you and your family. May your sabari trip be fruitful and you have a blissed and wonderful darshan of swamy.

    Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa

  38. Namaskaram , swami.
    Me and my brother thinking to start this deeksha in this month and it is for the first time.
    I want to know how to count 41 days of deeksha? We have to complete 41 days of deeksha at our place and then start for sabarimala or we have to reach the Temple on 41st day? Kindly advise

  39. Namaskaram! Om Guruswamiye Saranam Ayyappa!
    Normally you have to complete 41 days to have the irumudi on your head so that you can start to your sabari yatra. But due to the changing times and considering the busy schedules of people who are taking swamy deeksha, guruswamy's will sometimes give flexibility where you can count the 41st day to reach sabarimala and have swamy darshan. As always quoting the flexibility is only for special cases or where there is some constraints.

    So it is better to approach your guruswamy in exactly planning for your deeksha and sabari yatra and act according to guruswamy planning and instructions. If you have any constraints regarding your leave at your job or at your college/university etc whatever may the case, you can express it to guruswamy and act accordingly.

    You are taking the deeksha for first time. So please follow the deeksha rules sincerely and properly and definitely you will feel the grace of swamy on you.

    I pray swamy for you and your family. May your deeksha and sabari yatra be fruitful and you have a blissed and wonderful darshan of swamy.

    Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa

  40. Namaskaram Ayyapa....Me and family met with accident...My father expired on Jan 17, 2016... we don't have brothers and we are three sisters... I am eldest from them and got married... as me and my younger sister got injured, my youngest sister followed all the rituals..its going to be one year and one year ceremony on Dec 11th, 2016.. Now on oct 31st,2016 my husband's broher has put mala... He is staying at his work place from long back...even he put mala with his friends and staying there... by Dec 20;2016 he will finish his yatra..Now Can i n my husband bring my mom to my home for one night sleep and give saree to her,and attend the one year ceremony on Dec 11th and follow the rituals... pls do reply...

    1. Namaskaram! Om Guru Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!
      As your husband's brother is staying separately, you can bring your mother home as well you can participate in the yearly ceremony of your father. As mother is the first god, you don't have any restriction and you can bring her home and give saree to her. As well, Swamy ayyappa has a name in asthora where he is known as "tarpana priyaya namaha", so no restriction to participate in the yearly ceremony of your father. Even swamy's who visit sabarimala offer tarpanam to their forefathers on the banks of pampa river. It is the duty of the children to pay respect to their parents. So without any apprehension you can go ahead in both the events.

      I pray swamy for you and your family. May your father's soul rest in peace. May Swamy give you all enough strength to bear such loss.

      I also pray for your husband's brother. May his deeksha and sabari yatra be fruitful by the grace of swamy and he have a wonderful darshan of lord.

      Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa

    2. Thank you so much for ur immediate reply swamy.... pls continue prayers for my family coz we are still suffering alot... Living without my DAD is really very painful....

    3. Namaskaram! Om Guru Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!
      Yes it is really painful, if you lose your father. Only those can understand that, who lost their father. I can understand and pray for your family. Please turn to lord and he is so merciful that he will certainly relieve you from your pain and bail you out of your present situation. Have faith, pray sincerely and this difficult phase of your life will pass and you will see good times ahead.

      I pray swamy to bless you all with enough courage to face the situation and bless you with necessary strength to move ahead in your life and over come all the challenges.

      Though it is easy to suggest that forget the past and focus on the present and the future, it is the fact which you need to accept. As you are the eldest of your sisters, I assume that already you might have stood upto the expectations of your sisters and your mother. Make your heart strong and give necessary support and motivation to your family members. You should be like a leader for your family and balance the things and take charge. I think there is a larger responsibility on your shoulders to support your mother and till your sisters get settled in their lives. Maybe already you are playing that role, just to make you once again stronger from inside. Hope you live upto the expectations of your father. May God bless you with that strength.

      I can understand that you have to balance between your personal family and your mother,sisters. May swamy give you necessary strength to balance and move ahead.

      Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa

  41. Namaskaram Swamy!Am in deeksha at present and following all the rules as per guruswamy's advice who stayed with me for a week. I feel blessed to have had guruswamy at my home till I got used to do daily poojas and follow the rules. But I have a concern while doing pooja, swamy. Am getting negative thoughts and want to take revenge on the ones who has disturbed my life in one or the other way .Please do suggest on how to overcome this .Swamiye Saranam ayyappa !!

    1. Namaskaram! Om Guru Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!
      Its really appreciable for your genuine thought to overcome the negative thoughts and master your mind. Please do note that these kind of thoughts make more harm to you rather than others, so whenever it is possible, you have to consciously avoid those thoughts.

      Now it is the mind which is playing havoc with you and you want to control the mind. The greatest strength and the greatest weakness of the mind is whatever you give to your mind, it starts multiplying it infinitely. Say for example you think that want to travel, immediately your mind will take you to america, niagara falls, beaches, mountains, ships, gardens etc within seconds and keep on roaming in a dream world or imaginary world.

      Say you hate a person, and want to harm him, immediately it (mind) will give all possible ways how to hurt him, how to trouble him etc.

      So now you are submitting your negative thoughts to your mind which should be avoided. So consciously always ignore those thoughts and consciously always give a new thought to your mind which interests you and which you like more. So you should take advantage of your mind power. When ever a negative thought comes and disturbs you, immediately drop that thought (or change to a new thought) and think about how you are enjoying the swamy puja, or think about how guruswamy presence made you feel happy, or think how a bhajan had made you happy and sing that bhajan, or think in your life what was the happiest moment or a successful moment, or else think how you can reach to a certain goal. Dont let the mind work its way, you change its path by giving it some positive work.

      Say for example you want to become an IAS office or a software engineer etc, then you ask your mind for the ways to reach that goal, immediately it will shift its focus and search for all the paths to reach that goal.
      This doesnt come all of a sudden, but definitely it is possible with slow practice. In this practice, the entire effort lies with you only and to overcome you can always confess to swamy during the morning and evening puja about your weakness and ask him to give strength to overcome this. Swamy will definitely help you in this. Have faith and pray sincerely.

      And the next technique is keep your mind engaged and never idle, for this you can do activity of your choice, say listen to some good music, read books, visit temples, chant ista devata nama smarana, sing songs, help other people, do seva,do charity etc.And before you sleep and after you wake up, think that today is/was a good day and you will atleast help someone today. Even a small gesture will give you lot of satisfaction, when you know that your gesture had helped someone. Recall such events before you sleep and thank swamy for providing such an opportunity and show thankfulness or gratitude for whatever he has given. You can understand and have this gratitude if you look at people who are underprivileged to know what you are blessed with. Learn to count your blessings what god has given you rather than counting what he had not given you. In the process of reaching or trying to get what you don't have, you are losing the joy of enjoying what you have.

      And finally it is always better to forgive people for your good only. I am not aware what others have caused trouble to you where you are planning for a revenge (at thought level), but it is not good for you. If you can really forgive those and concentrate on your goal, then you will not get such disturbing thoughts. I hope by the grace of swamy you understand this.

      I pray swamy for you and your family. May swamy give you enough strength to overcome your negative thoughts and be transformed so that you be useful to yourself,your family, your country and this universe.

      May your deeksha and sabari yatra be fruitful and you have a wonderful darshan of lord.

      Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa

    2. Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa !
      Thank you for taking your time and replying us.

      Definitely, I will implement these techniques from now onwards. Hopefully by god's grace , I will come out of those thoughts.

      Sarve jana sukhino bhavanthu!!

  42. Swamy,I have a query on going to pamba nadhi in yatra. I heard that some swamies perfrom Pamba nadhi Snanam before darshan and some do after darshan while returning to home by leaving the black clothes there itself. Ideally Which is recommended swamy? Pls do reply.

    1. Namaskaram! Om Guru Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!
      Pamba Nadi Snanam, sarva papa vinasanam.
      It doesnt make any difference whether you are doing it before darshan or after darshan. By taking a holy dip in pamba itself will get rid of various sins. But, as you will be going along with your guruswamy and the group, follow whatever guruswamy says. Either way do not have any doubt and have faith. Without faith, even if you take a holy dip in ganga also, it doesnt make any difference. So have total faith in guruswamy, because as always I have been quoting and telling in my various answers, if you can really call with faith, then ayyappa answers you through your guruswamy. Guruswamy is none, but Ayyappa answering to you and available to you in physical human form. Dont doubt your guruswamy and his knowledge. Dont make assumptions about what you heard or what you read, forget everything just have faith, if guruswamy says let us do pamba snanam before darshan, its absolute ok, if he says we will do in return then also, its absolutely ok. if he says no pabma snanam, only darshan, then also its absolutely ok. without faith, you cant experience grace and you cant reap the benefits of your sabari yatra and the deeksha which you are doing. So dont worry about what others are saying let them say hundred and one logics, hundred and one reasons, then also, dont doubt your guruswamy, listen to your guruswamy words only, because it is ayyappa who is answering you. You can have a check or test for this for yourself. But you have to be sincere and unbiased. Close your eyes and be sincere and pray swamy, then you can listen an inner voice which will answer you and the same thing generally comes out as words from your guruswamy as an answer. You can see results if your thirst to know the truth or gain knowledge is genuine and not a fake one. I hope by the grace of swamy you understand this. So please follow your guruswamy and act accordingly.

      I pray swamy for you and your family. May swamy bless you with necessary wisdom to understand the truth. May your deeksha and sabari yatra be fruitful by the grace of swamy and you have a wonderful darshan of lord.

      Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!

    2. Guruswamy, the way you write & give information is excellent, can I know from where you will start and when u will reach Erumeli and Pampa so that if possible I can join you.


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    1. Namaskaram! Om Guru Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!
      Its ok to go for an prostrate exam and not only this any other medical exam also can be attended because the body is the tool which should be perfect to reach the goal. If the body is not perfect, how can you do your deeksha correctly and how can you concentrate on the bigger goal. Absolutely no problem. Also thoroughly washing externally and internally also is no problem. Under normal circumstances you will not do it. Because you are facing problem you are doing it. And please do not feel for it. It is a part of the natural process, later on you can wash your hands. You are only trying to overcome that. Actually on medical grounds, you can wash all your private parts to keep them clean and avoid any inconvenience to the body.

      The body as a tool and vehicle should not be pampered but taken with necessary care, so that it will be helpful to you till you reach the goal. As I have been quoting in my other answers, rules are not to trouble the body, but train the body and use it as a tool to reach a bigger goal.

      I hope by the grace of swamy, your problem should be cured. I pray for you and your family. May your deeksha and sabari yatra be fruitful and you have a wonderful darshan of swamy.

      Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!

  46. Namaskaram! Om Guru swamiye saranam Ayyappa!
    I checked with my guruswamy. As it was accidental and not intentional, you dont have any dosha. Please ask for pardon to Lord and confess that it was accidental and not intentional and ask him to forgive and let continue the deeksha. And without any inhibition continue your deeksha and you need not feel bad about it, but be careful with the mala and if it is very loose, have another round around your neck so that it will be short and you donot encounter such events.

    I pray for you and your family. May your deeksha and sabari yatra be fruitful by the grace of swamy and you have a wonderful darshan of lord.

    Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa

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    1. Namaskaram! Om Guru Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!
      Swamy,the deeksha itself is to win over those primary six internal enemies namely kama (desire), krodha (anger),madha(pride), moha(delusory emotional attachment), matsarya(envy or jealousy), lobha(greed). And the mind is the main culprit in respect of all the above. So, you are becoming a slave to your mind and listening to it whereas actually you should be a master to your mind and your mind should listen to you. So do not worry, the deeksha itself is designed that slowly you learn to master your mind and win over your internal enemies.

      I would suggest some simple techniques for you and see if they can help you. First thing, identify the root cause, what made you go mad out of control and try to avoid those situations, or try to leave that place for time being and when you are cool, return back and continue or try to sort out things. Try to spend time with some one who is much stable and whom you rely, who knows about you and who is a well wisher to you. Try to correct the emotional balance between you and people around you. To attain the balance, before you speak or do any act, pause for a moment, give a thought, what in case if I was the other person , how would I have reacted or spoke or acted, then you go ahead.

      The basic problem is everyone thinks that they are right and want everyone else to see the same thing, where actually the scenario may be different.In most of the conflicts, the person is trying to prove that he is right. Two different people might try to prove they are only right and want the other person to understand their perspective, instead of understanding the actual truth.

      Say for example, if you stand on one side of 6, it may appear as six for you, but the same six appears as nine to the other person who stands on the other side. So who is wrong or who is right means, it cant be judged, from his perspective it is nine, and from your perspective it is six, instead of trying to prove that because you are seeing six, it is the only right and not nine, if you can pause for a moment and analyse, why he is saying nine and try to look from his eyes, then you will not have this sort of problem. In every sphere of life, it is like this only, so dont try to come to conclusion that you are only right, give a thought why the other person is saying something else when you are seeing this, is it possible in that way also. When you are curious to know the actual fact rather than concluding that your perspective is only correct, then you will not have the mind control you and you can control the mind. The mind deceives you saying that because your eyes are seeing that is only correct, because your ears are listening that is only correct etc. but that may not be the truth. So be more interested in knowing the truth rather than proving that you and your perspective is only correct.

      I hope by the grace of swamy, you understand this and you get enough wisdom and strength to win over your mind. May swamy shower his blessings on you.

      And one final word, because you are kanne swamy, please take care of your words, thoughts and actions. If you are feeling that you are unable to control, dont be alone at any point of time and always try to be in group with guruswamy or senior swamys. This will help you a lot.

      Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa

  49. Sawamie saranam ayyappa

    i am going to sabarimalai from my age of 5, in between for around 10 years i have not visited sabarimala, in this 3 times only i took peria pathai (from erumeli to sannidhanam)

    this year i am going with my mother and 5 years old daughter, they both are kanni swamy

    kindly tell me the procedure of kanni swamy in the malikapuram and saram kuthi

    mail id is

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  51. Namaskaram! Om Guru Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!
    When there is no scope or choice where you can go,then you can stay in your house only as your guruswamy said, but please try to have some provision like a curtain or partition kind of thing where you do not see them. If you have possibility of different room, you can stay in a different room.

    I pray for swamy for you and your family. May swamy shower his blessings on you and your family. May your deeksha and sabari yatra be fruitful by the grace of swamy and you have a wonderful darshan of swamy.

    Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Namaskar! Om Guru Swamiye saranam Ayyappa!
      Plan accordingly where there is no interference between both of you.

      Plan to use washroom without intereference, where you wake up early and use it or let them use early before you or after you.

      If you know cooking, you only cook and offer to them (make the necessary arrangement where you place it at a common point, where they can pick it up and you dont have any direct interaction, maybe besides the curtain or partition). Use disposable plates or glasses. Depending on your circumstances plan some workable method in all the activities.

      If you don't know cooking, you eat at some nearby temple or at any other swamy place of your group and arrange them food from any nearby hotel etc.

      This is all to be taken care if you have established a peetham and doing the puja at your place, and in case you have not established peetham, go to any of your group members place these few days (where you can continue your puja and deeksha alongwith them) and let them use the house and after the menstural period when duly cleaning is done you can return and continue.

      Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa

  52. Namaskar Swami....
    I am from chennai
    This is my First year visiting sabarimala, currently i am taking 41 days viratham,, weared maalai by the advice of nearby ayyapan temple preist and following ur blogs about do's and donts .....But travelling alone because i dont have oppurtunity to go with a if i dont know any guruswamy...Have to travel alone to sabaraimala....Kindly advise..

    Swamiye saranam Ayyappa...

    1. Namaskaram! Om Guru Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!
      It is not advisable to travel alone. Pray swamy and look out for any swamy who comes to the ayyappa temple, appraoch them to see if there is any chance or scope to travel with them, request their guruswamy to allow you to travel alongwith their group. By the grace of swamy, you will definitely get the permission from a guruswamy.

      For various reasons, it is better to do the yatra under the guidance of a guruswamy only. Search and you will get, because no guruswamy will generally reject a kanne swamy (or any other swamy) to travel alongwith them until and unless they have already made necessary travel arrangements and there is no scope to accomodate new ones. Even though, you can try and I am sure by the grace of swamy, you will get permission from a guruswamy who can guide you and who will permit you to travel with him to sabarimala.

      I pray for you and your family. May swamy shower his blessings on you and your family. May you get a guruswamy by the grace of swamy. May your deeksha and sabari yatra be fruitful by the grace of swamy and you have a wonderful darshan of swamy.

      Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!

    2. Please mention the date and time, for example, I will reach Cochin airport around 9:30 AM on 10 Jan, then I will reach Erumeli around 2 PM on 10 Jan so that if u mention any person who is going at a similar time can go with u.


  53. Swamiye sharanam ayyappa...

    Swami namaskaram...

    i am wearing mala for the first time..

    and i have a doubt... when i go to wash room for nature calls.. do i need to bath again????

    1. Namaskaram! Om Guru Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!
      Yes, when you go to wash room for nature calls, you need to take bath. If it is just urinals, you can wash your hands and feet.

      Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa

  54. Swamiye saranam ayyappa... I am in bangalore it's hard for me to find ayyappa swamy group. This is my second time. My kanne swamy experience was tremendous. . Had peetham at my home and had a group of swamies and it was great.I cld see miracles happening during my first time. But now that I am in bangalore I cldnt put peetham but at the same time I don't have group. All I am doing is having a ayyappa photo and reading saranalu 2 times a day with other rules following. But one of my known guru swamy suggested you carry the photo and not miss ur daily prayers if I had to travel... basically sanchara peetham.. what is your thought on this swamy... I have seen one of your replies saying we shld not move it . Now I am confused. Please suggest...

    1. Namaskaram! Om Guru Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!
      Setting up the peetham is different from doing puja to just swamy photo. As your guruswamy had rightly said, you can do your daily puja to swamy photo while you are in travel and as well at your place. In a peetham, you invite swamy with mula mantram and doesn't chant the udvasana mantra till you return from your sabari yatra. Once you establish a peetham, you shouldn't move, neither you cant leave it like that, someone has to take care in your absence if you are in travel. It is just like a temporary temple for your deeksha period. Minimum of basic 5 upacharas must and should be done namely (Dhoopa, Deepa, Naivedya,Gandha, Pushpa at both times morning and evening) and if possible more upacharas can also be done basing on your convenience, time and capacity. And daily cleaning of the peetham room should be taken care, sanctity and cleanliness should be maintained just like a temple.But whereas if you are just doing puja to swamy photo, depending on your convenience you can do puja or else just chant saranalu or loka veeram or you may do the upacharas according to your convenience, time and possibility. This sort of puja you can place the swamy photo anywhere in your travel where it is a clean place and perform the puja. This photo can be taken alongwith you so that you don't miss the puja. This kind of puja to swamy photo is totally acceptable and this is what guruswamy suggested. You have to decide on the day when you take mala whether you are willing to establish a peetham or not. If you have the possibility, convenience, time, patience and interest that you can take care of the peetham, then only you have to establish peetham. Otherwise, if your schedule is not permitting, then just have a swamy photo and do the puja. Most of the swamy's who doesn't have provision of space and who don't have possibility generally join with some senior swamy or guruswamy who actually establishes the peetham and maintains it.

      Hope you got clarity. I pray for you and your family. May you have the blessings of swamy.By the grace of swamy,may you have a fruitful deeksha and sabari yatra and wonderful darshan of swamy.

      Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa.

  55. Thank you so much swami. It gives me a lot of relief. Here I hardly find 1 or maximum 2 swamies a day. But I am doing my best to do and later it is ayappa's blessings. Thanks for your blessings swamy. Swamiye saranam ayyappa

  56. swami , i am kanniswamy who took up deeksha 5 days back !!! i do not feel shame to admit that i was a porn and masturbation addict !! took deeksha to overcome all these bad thoughts and habits . and i controlled for six days but today i ended up masturbating in washroom !! i tried my best to overcome the feeling but i could not . i prayed sharanu gosha 3 times and asked ayyapa to show mercy on me and ill not repeat this for rest of deeksha period , will ayyappa punish me for violating rule or will he forgive that it happened due to long years addiction and will he give me energy required not to repeat in further during deeksha !!! i am feared a lot !!! literally very shaken !!! can i continue deeksha !! will ayyappa stand by me and forgive and be my side gaining will power over my bad habits further

    1. Namaskaram! Om Guru Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!
      I appreciate your frankness in accepting your weakness and your thought to overcome your weakness. Swamy is an ocean of mercy and there is no such thing as really punishing though he will definitely make you face situations which help you overcome your weakness. It is just like a mother treating her child when the child is going away from the path.It is like a father treating his child when the child is deviating and this is for the benefit of the child only. So swamy's grace will make you pass the circumstances which will bring you clean. It is just like this, gold had to be put on fire if it needs to cleansed and removed of all the dirt, similarly humans need to pass through those circumstances which will make them pure.

      You are a kanneswamy and you are the choicest one for Ayyappa Swamy,so he will definitely help you. Confess before swamy during morning puja and after evening puja about your weakness with sincerity and pray to give you enough strength so that you can overcome your weakness.

      A few things which can help you. It is the mind which makes easy to fall for various worldly desires and it is normally difficult to make your mind stay focused on swamy. Slowly you have to train your mind, for this the easiest way is to join with good people and stay in the promixity of good people. Try to consciously do good things like participating in puja, singing bhajans, visiting temple whenever possible, helping others, doing seva etc.

      I pray swamy to bless you and your family. May swamy give you enough strength to overcome your weakness. May your deeksha and sabari yatra be fruitful by the grace of swamy and you have a wonderful darshan of swamy.

      Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!

    2. thank you so much swamy !!! already visited temple and asked mercy and strength from ayyappa !! and also i fell on feet of three guruswamy's who came for temple like me , and also read sharanu ghosa for 4 times for the mistake done . ill make sure that i wont repeat it .

  57. Namaskaram Swamy.
    Just gone through all the articles you wrote. very informative for beginners and for those who are interested in knowing the things about Ayyappa Swamy and deeksha. My father in law has taken ayyappa swamy mala. can you please tell the dos and donts of my husband and myself as ours is a joint family. what are the rules to be followed as a family member.

    1. Namaskaram! Om Guru Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!
      There are no specific rules for the other family members, but in general to support your father-in-law deeksha, the family members also eat only vegetarian food and avoid any non-veg during his deeksha period.
      Please see to it that you maintain cleanliness of your house, puja room, kitchen etc.

      If he has established a peetham in your house itself, then if it is separate room, then one should enter that room only after washing their legs. if within the family, any lady is there who has menstural cycle, they can go to their relatives house or friends house during that period. If possible please do seva to your father-in-law by cleaning the puja room, washing the puja articles, flower decoration etc. Try to maintain the sanctity in the house by avoiding negative talk, gossip, etc.

      If any swamy of your father-in-law group comes, treat them as if ayyappa swamy himself came and offer the hospitality.

      If possible, please arrange for padi puja at your home, so that you get the blessings of swamy's.

      I pray for you and your family. May your father-in-law deeksha and sabari yatra be fruitful by the grace of swamy and he have a wonderful darshan of swamy.

      Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!

    Anyone coming to Cochin Airport on 10 Jan morning around 9:30 am or anyone starting from Erumeli around 2 PM or after 2 PM on 10 Jan for pedda padam, please tell because I am alone from Hyderabad coming for our Lord Ayyappa.


    1. Namaskaram! Om Guru Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!
      We are starting from Hyderabad on 31 Dec 2016 and reach Erumeli on 1 Jan 2017. We are planning to go by Pedda Padam. So may reach pamba by 3rd evening or 4th morning or so because we have some elderly swamy's in our troupe and we are expecting the track to be slow and steady.

      Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa

    2. Can I have your whatsapp number Guruswamy gaaru. I am from Kukatpally, Hyderabad. From which area in Hyderabad you live Guruswamy? If there is any Lord Ayyappa Bhajan, please mention.
      Also, I am going by pedda padam but I am not sure if I can reach in 1 day because around 10 Jan afternoon I will reach Erumeli and my VirtualQ Ticket time slot is 11 Jan night at 9:30 PM. Ofcourse, with our Lord Ayyappa blessings, I can reach but I am just concerned.


  59. Namaskaram swamy. I (Harish) am planning to take mala this year (Dec) for first Can i go for 21 days Dikhshya. Kindly suggest Me.But i want to go for Dikhshya. Please suggest...


    1. Namaskaram! Om Guru Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!
      When you are taking for first time, you are known as kanne swamy and it is better and if possible you can go for 41 day deeksha. But permitting you for 21 days is generally done by your guruswamy with whom you want to go to sabari. So better you approach your guruswamy and take his permission, if he permits, then absolutely no problem, listen to his words and go accordingly.

      I pray for you and your family. May swamy bless you and you have a fruitful deeksha and sabari yatra and have a wonderful darshan of lord.

      Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa

  60. Swamy.. Can I go to Gym during dheeksha, not body building but taking care of regular health.

    1. Namaskaram! Om Guru Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!
      Yes you can go to Gym during deeksha if it was your regular habit in taking care of regular health. You need not stop any of your regular activities provided you take care of your deeksha rituals.

      Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa

    2. Swamy saranam swami.. it's really helpful.. I was just confusing on this.

  61. Am sorry to say or regret myself that I m getting sexual thoughts and erections often now during dheeksha.. I also tried to masturbate many times and stop before cumming .. I know it is so bad and sin.. Please suggest me . Will I get punished for past doings.

    1. Namaskaram! Om Guru Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!
      It is appreciable that you are frankly accepting your weakness and the thought to overcome them. This kind of thoughts are quite natural in teen age and if not properly controlled or put in discipline get carried over in your later years. The following are the main things which you need to take care. One is you should not let your mind take control of you and secondly you should properly choose your friends.

      Because friends or the people with whom you mingle play an important impact on your thoughts and your behaviour.

      So when an negative thought arises, consciously you need to drop that idea and submit another thought to your mind (something which interests you) or put a question to your mind of how to reach a specific goal
      In these scenarios, mind changes its track of thoughts and gives answers to the questions asked by you. This is definitely possible, but comes over practice where you can change the track of your mind. Then secondly, mingle with people with positive thoughts and positive behaviour with stable minds, people who doesn't get distracted or disturbed. Simple people with good behaviour.

      Thirdly you can confess before swamy after your morning puja and evening puja about your weakness and pray him to give you enough strength to overcome your weakness.

      It is quite natural for a man to desire for dharma, artha, kama and moksha during his life time and for this to be acquired and enjoyed he is given an means namely dharma patni (wife). It is legitimate for a man to fulfill all his desires through his wife. So earlier generations used to conduct early marriages, so that man doesnt deviate his dharmic path, but present day scenario has totally changed and boys are not able to become self sustained so that they can marry and maintain the family in the early twenties and as well girls are having lot of expectations from their would be life partners. This gap has created boys to look out for alternative means of activities. If someone had guided them properly they would not go to such activities and often they feel embarassed to discuss these kinds of thoughts with anyone and regret in their later stages of life. Because of such activities they lose time and energy which will not come back. Success in life comes when you can discipline your mind and you are the master of your mind rather than a slave to your mind.

      Remember one important thing, that you should be helpful to yourself, your family, your country and this universe, otherwise this human life is useless.In summary, be good and do good, this is the essence of life.

      I hope you understand this by the grace of swamy and do not regret or feel bad about what happened earlier, but focus that you donot repeat it. And be assured that swamy is an ocean of mercy and he doesnt punish you, but he will definitely make you pass through circumstances which will make you overcome your negative thoughts and you become clean. Even gold needs to be put in fire, it it needs to cleansed of its dirt. so be ready and open to take the bath in the shower of blessings which swamy pours on you.

      I pray for you and your family. May Swamy give you enough strength so that you overcome your weakness. May your deeksha and sabari yatra be fruitful by the grace of swamy and may you have a wonderful darshan of swamy.

      Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Namaskaram Swamy! Om Guruswamiye saranam Ayyappa!
      It's really not suggestable to not eat the whole day. You can atleast drink milk or eat some fruits. But situations have made you stay like that,so dont change the day schedule, have some milk or fruits for now and you can eat by noon or early noon to get back to your schedule.

      Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa

    2. Sorry I haven't seen the time you posted, if you have not had the chance to eat during the lunch time, so continue with your day schedule where after evening puja, you can have your alpaharam. But please don't change the schedule and eat at a later time. Once skipped for some reason is skipped. Plan accordingly or atleast have milk or juice etc where you dont remain without eating.

  63. I had done mala dharan 10 days late with a group they had completed 41 days I had completed my 30days of diksha and now I'm alone they also removed peetam so now I'm doing all niyamas but continuing my puja in near by ayyapa temple what should I do

  64. I had done mala dharan 10 days late with a group they had completed 41 days I had completed my 30days of diksha and now I'm alone they also removed peetam so now I'm doing all niyamas but continuing my puja in near by ayyapa temple what should I do

  65. I had done mala dharan 10 days late with a group they had completed 41 days I had completed my 30days of diksha and now I'm alone they also removed peetam so now I'm doing all niyamas but continuing my puja in near by ayyapa temple what should I do

    1. I had done mala dharan 10 days late with a group they had completed 41 days I had completed my 30days of diksha and now I'm alone they also removed peetam so now I'm doing all niyamas but continuing my puja in near by ayyapa temple what should I do

    2. Namaskaram! om guru swamiye saranam ayyappa!
      You can continue your puja in the near by ayyappa temple as you are doing. No problem.

      [Please Note:
      Incase, if those people have handed over the peetham to you, you should have taken care of it and someone should take care after you leave to sabari and till you return back from sabari, and then move that peetham.]

      And with whom you are going to sabari, because all your group members left to sabari, have you got any guruswamy with whom you are travelling.

      I pray for you and your family. May your deeksha and sabari yatra be fruitful by the grace of swamy and you have a wonderful darshan of swamy.

      Swamiye saranam ayyappa!

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Namaskaram! Om Guru Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!
      You can take off your mala after you have darshan of swamy at sabari mala and return from sabarimala. Usually once you complete 41 days only you start for sabari yatra after having the irumudi on your head, and if your schedule at your job/ college etc is tight where you dont get leave or donot have possibility, guruswamy may allow you to have irumudi earlier so that it will be 41 days deeksha completed by the time you return back from sabarimala.It is purely the sole discretion of guruswamy to allow you and permit you. These kind of cases are special cases and will be decided by case by case. So once you are back on December 26th, if its ok, take on 27th, because that completes 41 days. If your schedule doesnt permit, then you can remove on that day itself because you already had the darshan of swamy.

      Taking the mala for less number of days is not the regular practice and cannot be generalised.The suggested number of days is minimum 41 days only. But for special circumstances and special cases, where the person is genuinely interested and he doesnt have possibility, guruswamy may allow depending on the situation. So those kind of cases are exceptional cases, which purely go on by the permission from guruswamy. But there is no such provision saying that from 2nd time onwards you can put only for 30 days. Anytime it is minimum 41 days only.

      Swamiye saranam Ayyappa

  67. Swamy Saranam,

    I am a Computer Programmer from Canada and mostly surfing through internet and on the computer all the time. I was just going through internet, and I came into some webpages where there was girls wearing just their inner wear, not like fully naked but I am really worried because this happened to me many times while I am on the malai. Since this is my first time and I am Kanni Swamy, I do not really know what can I do? Could you please tell me if what I did is wrong ?

    1. Namaskaram! Om Guru Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!
      Accidentally visiting such sites or encountering such situations is totally not a mistake of yours. So you need not worry about that much. So be careful when you visit such links. Ensure that you either block such sites or be careful when you click links.

      If you willfully visit such links,then it is wrong otherwise if seeing such sites is creating an impact on your mind and you are getting easily distracted then you need to take care and precautions so that you dont lose your track.

      The mind is the main culprit in distracting a man towards these kind of negative activities and if one listens to his mind, he will become a slave to his mind and his senses and this will make him lose his energy and real power and get him deviated from his track, where actually he need to travel towards his goal of knowing the truth namely tatwamasi.

      Then it doesnt mean that we should not enjoy life. It means that you need to enjoy life with your wife who is rightful authority for you to fulfill all desires.In essence, a man has four basic goals once he had taken a human life namely dharma(righteousness, duty and moral order), artha(wealth and prosperity), kama(wordly desires), moksha (liberation) or god realisation or tatwamasi- the main goal of knowing the real truth. Every man can desire for artha,kama but should not ignore dharma. He can desire to acquire wealth, but in a dharmic manner, similarly he can desire to have all forms of kama, but in a dharmic way. The means for man to have fulfill all his desires is through his wife only.And all these you need to remember that your final goal is to know the truth namely tatwamasi, so keeping in view of that goal, you need to plan your life journey.

      If you are not married and eligible, you can go ahead and plan for marriage and if you are already married, you can enjoy life with your wife. ( After completion of your deeksha).

      You are saying that you are a kanni swamy. So please be careful with your thoughts, actions and words. Try to maintain postivity in your thoughts, actions and words. No negative talk, no gossip etc. If you are encountering trouble, slowly change your habits to positive ones namely slowly chant saranu ghosha within your heart, or listen to swamy songs if it is possible or visit any temple or spend with guruswamy or senior swamy's or help others or do seva at temple or within your group etc but keep your mind engaged and dont let it to get you distracted. Still if you have any distractions, pray swamy to give you enough strength to withstand such distractions and stay focused on him.

      I pray for you and your family. May swamy give you enough strength to overcome your mind. May your deeksha and sabari yatra be fruitful by the grace of swamy and you have a wonderful darshan of swamy.

      Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. Swamiy saranam ayyappa,
    Swamy today when i woke up i saw that the ayyappa dollar came out of the mala. I have re attached it though. Is this any bad sign. I am worried

    1. Namaskaram! Om Guru Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!
      Don't worry swamy, it was accidental, but not intentional. Sometimes the mala hooks may be loose, because of which the swamy dollar might have come out If you find any hooks to be loose, just tight them once. But be careful with mala while you are taking bath or wiping with kanduva or while you are doing any other activity, be careful with mala.

      Ask swamy for kshamaparadham and continue your deeksha and you need not worry. your deeksha and sabari yatra will be fruitful by the grace of swamy. swamy is a mercy of ocean and he will definitely bless you.

      I pray for you and your family. May swamy shower his blessings on you and your family. May your deeksha and sabari yatra be fruitful by the grace of swamy and you have a wonderful darshan of swamy.

      Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!

    2. Thanks for the blessing swamy. Swamiye saranam ayyappa.
      Swamy I have started my deeksha on 28th Nov now i am kathi swamy , I have to travel to Indonesia next week for 3 to 4 days . How should i continue with my deeksha. I am not sure how can i get food with the rules that we need to follow and what about the dress when I have to meet clients.Mostly I have to stay in Hotel.. any suggestions on how can i follow my deekasha

    3. Namaskaram! Om Guru Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!
      Swamy, don't worry about the dress, as part of your profession, you can wear the dress accordingly for those 3 to 4 days and when you are back in the hotel room, you can wear swamy dress or even if it is not possible, atleast see that you wear the kanduva and the dress may be accordingly and even if that is not possible, don't worry, just wear the dresses accordingly and there is no dosha because your job is important for your survival and as part of your job you are going on an assignment which is part of your duty. And duty is worship. So do your work sincerely having the feeling that it is the part of worship to swamy which you are doing. And probably once you return back from Indonesia, you can continue your deeksha in regular way.

      Regarding the food, try as much possible to have veg food or fruits or milk and in least possible case, because you need to survive, then whatever is available to you,offer it to swamy and you can eat it is as swamy prasadam.

      And finally regarding the puja, because you cannot do detail puja while you are travelling and your stay at hotel, you can just carry a small photo of swamy alongwith you in your purse and chant saranalu after your morning bath and evening bath.

      I pray that by the grace of swamy, everything should go well and your trip should be successful. May swamy bless you.

      Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!

    4. Swamiye saranam ayyappa! Thanks swamy. Actually I don't have any dress code to work. But my office people asked me to wear formal and shoe as we are meeting clients if that is not breaking my deekash. and if not wearing black affects my deeksha then they said you can wear the black dress.2) About pooja - swamy If i am in flight and cannot do the morning or evening pooja then what is the alternative to me. The last question is can I have bread , fruits & juices as my diet- Not sure if the hotel staff would take bath and cut the fruits while serving. These questions might be silly but it would help me in not having guilty conscious.

      Swamiye saranam ayyappa!!!

    5. Namaskar! Om Guru Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!
      As replied to you earlier, you wear formal dress code. If you have a black suit or formal dress, then wear it, if you dont have then also no problem, whatever is available, you can wear it.

      Dont worry about the detailed puja kind of thing, wherever you are, either in the flight or in the hotel room, during that time (if possible after bath, or else atleast during that time i.e before sunrise and after sunset), chant saranalu and if possible loka veeram.

      Regarding the food, as replied to you earlier, try to have all possible veg foods atmost (even fruits, bread, biscuits etc also when you dont have any possibility of getting your choicest food). You cant expect in a different land to get the exact sort of food, what you get here which supports your deeksha, so whatever you are getting, you have it. Don't overthink in all aspects, try to be as normal with what ever the circumstances you are facing and act accordingly.Think that swamy has given you this circumstance and act accordingly. And don't feel guilty, have only one thing, you are doing as a part of your job and as I told you earlier, work(duty) is worship. And you do it sincerely, then it itself will be the right kind of puja to swamy. Having sincerity towards your job should be your attitude. Give your 100% in the work you are doing. Whenever you are eating anything, offer it to swamy, then eat it as prasadam of swamy, so that you don't get any dosha. Think that you are having only swamy prasadam, that should be your thought, because you are only having swamy prasadam, no dosham to you.

      When you return back, you can continue your normal schedule.

      I pray swamy that your trip should be successful. May swamy bless you.

      Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!

    6. Thank you very much swamy. Swamiye saranam ayyappa

  70. Swami sharanam
    This is my first time mala
    I have several questions
    1.i have put mala on 14 Dec and I want to complete the 41 days mandalam but I hear the temple will be closed after the last pooja so wat are my options wen will the temple open again I am ready to wear mala as many days as possible but my only aim is to complete 41 days.
    2..even if I address people as swami's and ammas most of my colleagues address me as sir which will further make me call them madam is it bad..
    3..I dint get up at 4 o clock and dint do the pooja before sunrise today so does it make the mandalam incomplete?
    4..I take food like upma chutney and other light foods but a little of onions and garlic will be there so eating food specifically whoch doesn't have onions and garlic is a bit difficult because of my work
    5...I am going to gym and have to eat a lot but not spicy food only vegetables and dhals is that ok it mandatory not to use pillow while sleeping but I sleep upon a single bed sheet and use a single bed sheet to cover myself
    7...while wearing the malai can I go to the bathroom or should I remove it before going inside
    9..I do pooja twice a day so is there any specific pooja to do all o do is light ghee lamps and agarbattis workplace needs me to interact with a lot of females coz I work in a educational institution so do I have to restrict or how can I overcome talking to them main concern is that if I can fulfill 41 days of mandalam because there is no sufficient time from the time I have put mala it will only be 30 or 31 days and a known person said that if I can wear mala till Feb we can go in Feb also is that true?
    12..I have a dog at home can we get non veg food from outside and feed him but we will not prepare in our home
    13..I'm not using soap but I think it might start to stink after few days so can I use soap only to clean my private parta..
    14..I do pooja at home daily but there is no ayyappa swami's photo so does this affect the mandalam
    15..there are some instances where I have to lie because of my work requirement but it's part of my job to get the job done at the right time from people and I know it's bad so any other options
    I know that the list of questions is long so please bare and revert back asap thank you in advance
    Swamiye sharanam ayyappa

    1. Namaskaram! Om Guru Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!
      First thing, please know the purpose why you are taking Ayyappa Swamy Deeksha.You need not answer anyone, but atleast to yourself. Then the following are the answers for your queries

      1.i have put mala on 14 Dec and I want to complete the 41 days mandalam but I hear the temple will be closed after the last pooja so wat are my options wen will the temple open again I am ready to wear mala as many days as possible but my only aim is to complete 41 days.
      Yes, the temple will be closed on 20 Jan 2017. The temple will be again opened on February 12 @ 5.00 P.m till February 17 @ 10.00 p.m for Monthly Pooja. As you rightly observed the deeksha has to be taken for a minimum of 41 days, so as per your deeksha taken date, before the closing time of temple on Jan 20, 2017, your 41 days will not be completed, so you have an option of continuing the deeksha and visit sabarimala in Feb when the temple opens for 5 days for monthly puja. Did you discuss this with your guruswamy, are you going alongwith your guruswamy only? as you have said that you are taking deeksha for first time who are known as kanne swamy, taking up or taking down irumudi , a guruswamy has to do and kanne swamy cannot do it on his own. So for sabari yatra, you should go alongwith a guruswamy.

      2..even if I address people as swami's and ammas most of my colleagues address me as sir which will further make me call them madam is it bad..
      how others are responding is not in your control, it is their perspective, maybe you are at an authoritative position, that's why they are calling you as sir, you can continue calling them amma, if professionally you are unable to call them as amma, then it is no problem calling them madam, but in your personal life, you try to look every female as a form of mother and call them as amma, it includes your wife also (if you are married), in whom you should see the form of holy mother during this period of deeksha.

      3..I dint get up at 4 o clock and dint do the pooja before sunrise today so does it make the mandalam incomplete?
      The deeksha rules are that you need to do the morning puja before sunrise and evening puja after sunset. So if you are unable to complete before sunrise, atleast try to begin the puja before sunrise and offer kshamaparadham to swamy and request him to bless you with enough strength so that you can do it properly before sunrise. Sometimes doing puja late doesn't make your deeksha incomplete, but you should avoid willingly doing the puja late or after sunrise. Try to put alarm or someother mechanism and try to wake up early. Plan accordingly.

      4..I take food like upma chutney and other light foods but a little of onions and garlic will be there so eating food specifically whoch doesn't have onions and garlic is a bit difficult because of my work
      Because of these kind of difficulties, it was designed that swamy's should cook for themselves or eat the food cooked by some other swamy. In cases, where you don't know to cook, mother is 100% eligible to cook for you. And if you are married, even your wife is eligible to cook for you, but ask her to take a headbath before she cooks for you. The main concern is that people who are cooking for swamy should maintain purity and cleanliness in thought, words, actions, environment.So at max try to avoid eating food with garlic etc.


    2. 5...I am going to gym and have to eat a lot but not spicy food only vegetables and dhals is that ok
      What does eat a lot mean...? When you are in deeksha, you should eat only once in the lunch time and in the night, you should eat alpaharam (or tiffin). Unlike in regular life, you shouldn't eat breakfast in morning, then snacks in evening time etc. (some exception for those people, who are having health issues like sugar, bp etc, where they need to take tablets etc, guruswamy's allow them to take breakfast etc just because they need their body to be in healthy position to support their deeksha), but this kind of exceptions is not for people who are already healthy and who can follow the deeksha rules. Eating veg food which includes, vegetables and dals is acceptable. it mandatory not to use pillow while sleeping but I sleep upon a single bed sheet and use a single bed sheet to cover myself
      Yes as part of deeksha rules, you should not use any pillow, you can either use your hand as your pillow or use another bed sheet as a support for your neck and head instead of a pillow.

      7...while wearing the malai can I go to the bathroom or should I remove it before going inside
      Once you wear mala, you shouldnt remove it under any circumstances till you complete your deeksha period and go for sabari yatra and have the darshan of swamy. You can remove your mala only after your sabari yatra. And if you are going to nature calls, you should again take bath, and if it is just urinals, you can wash your hands and feet. You shouldnt remove mala before going to toilet etc.

      9..I do pooja twice a day so is there any specific pooja to do all o do is light ghee lamps and agarbattis
      You have to light lamp,agarbattis, offer flowers, sandal paste, and prasadam or naivedya to swamy (minimum upacharas), read ganapathi shodasanama or asthotaram, subramanya shodasanama or asthotaram, ayyappa asthotharam, then chant saranulu, loka veeram, mangalam etc. You can get the procedure in ayyappa nitya puja, a small book which you can get at any puja store or near stores at any ayyappa temple. workplace needs me to interact with a lot of females coz I work in a educational institution so do I have to restrict or how can I overcome talking to them
      Why do you want to restrict interacting with females. Deeksha doesnt put any restriction that you shouldn't talk to females other than when it is their periods time. So you can interact with them normally as part of your regular job, only thing is if they are during their periods time, you shouldn't interact with them. If you know any teacher who is going through their periods, don't interact with them directly or have any other sub-ordinate or any other person for communication between you and them for that period. If you have will, you can plan accordingly, something like you can write a communication to them through a book and ask them to reply back to you through that book only. main concern is that if I can fulfill 41 days of mandalam because there is no sufficient time from the time I have put mala it will only be 30 or 31 days and a known person said that if I can wear mala till Feb we can go in Feb also is that true?
      Yes, you can go in Feb also, but see to it that you dont travel alone and you are going alongwith a guruswamy

      12..I have a dog at home can we get non veg food from outside and feed him but we will not prepare in our home

      you can feed him, but take care that is somewhere outside of your house like that, but not inside the house (maybe within your compound).


    3. 13..I'm not using soap but I think it might start to stink after few days so can I use soap only to clean my private parta..
      You can use soap

      14..I do pooja at home daily but there is no ayyappa swami's photo so does this affect the mandalam
      If in your regular puja, you doesnt have any ayyappa photo doesnt make any difference, but for this deeksha period, if you want you can have a swamy photo, but if you don't want to have, then either join alongwith other senior swamy's or guruswamy or if nearby ayyappa temple is there, go there for morning and evening pujas.

      15..there are some instances where I have to lie because of my work requirement but it's part of my job to get the job done at the right time from people and I know it's bad so any other options
      Try as much possible as to avoid lies and if you really think, you can get alternative ways of conveying the same message without telling lies or at best telling the truth will help you in most situations, still if you feel that in a larger interest telling a lie will benefit the organisation or people and it doesn't cause harm to anyone, because its not just telling a lie, its the intention with which you are telling the lie, then probably telling a lie also is acceptable.

      I hope you can understand this with the grace of swamy. I pray for you and your family. May your deeksha and sabari yatra be fruitful by the grace of swamy and you have a wonderful darshan of swamy.

      Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!

  71. Swami Saranam,

    I am mostly on social networking apps like Facebook and Instagram. I was avoiding to use all of these from the beginning of the Viratham. But for past 3 weeks I started using them again and while scrolling through the feed, I clicked on inappropriate stuff i shouldn't be looking at. I am not able to control my desires and I clicked on these posts willingly. I am really worried something bad is going to happen. Please let me know what can I do ?

    Swamiye Saranam Ayappa

    1. Namaskaram! Om Guru Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!
      As have been telling earlier, it is the mind which is the root cause of all havoc in a person's life. The deeksha helps in mastering the mind. So don't worry about the happened thing, but slowly train your mind, not to visit those kinds of things so that you don't repeat the same. Whenever the mind asks for something to see or view, you need to purposefully shift its focus. Generally you have somethings which interest you, like music, reading, chanting swamy name etc. Have a goal for yourself, that this deeksha I am not going to visit these sites or this deeksha I am not going to get angry on anyone or this deeksha I should win over one of the arishadvargas (namely kama, krodha, lobha, moha, madha, matsarya). These are the primary six internal enemies which a person should win over if he wants happiness in his life. The deeksha should be the right tool to win over these by the grace of swamy. You should be able to win the battle with your mind. The other ways to win the mind or doing pranayama where you control the breath and in turn can slowly tame your mind and get in control or start doing meditation. It may be swamy or any of your ista devata, which will slowly give you chance to control your mind. One simple technique about the power of mind and the weakness of mind is whatever you submit, it starts working on the same, so what you submit to your mind is most important, so whenever is raises a thought, you purposefully shift its focus and shift it on something productive and then it starts working on it, so you only need to learn the art of shifting the focus of mind and this comes by practice. Slowly try this technique on your mind, to be successful, you need to give successful thoughts to your mind and contemplate on success.

      So, whenever mind is asking for something then listen to music, read something good, or chant saranalu or anything, but do not do what mind is asking. Your mind should be in your control, not you in your mind's control. Also confess to swamy about your inability during morning and evening puja's and pray to him to grant you enough strength, so that you may not become prey to your mind and view those kinds of stuff.

      I pray for you and your family. May swamy shower his blessings on you and give you enough strength, so that you do not fall prey to such kinds of things again. May your deeksha and sabari yatra be fruitful by the grace of swamy and you have a wonderful darshan of swamy.

      Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!

  72. swamy nenu swamy mala dharinchalanu kuntunnanu this is my first time by work will not allow me to travel long distances so i have questions is it mandatory to visit shabarimala when you are a kannesaami
    please help me on this...

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Namaskaram! Om Guru Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!
      People taking deeksha for first time are known as kanneswamy and it is said that ayyappa had given word to maalikapuramma that he will marry her when a kanneswamy doesnt visit sabarimala. So, it is a procedure that a kanneswamy had to pierce an arrow(saram) at sarangutti on the way to sabarimala temple from pamba as an indication that a kanne swamy had visited sabarimala this year. And kanne swamy is the choicest of ayyappa swamy. So until and unless you are really not having any choice, it is not suggested. Still, because you are willing to take deeksha, you approach your guruswamy with whom you are planning to take deeksha and explain him your situation and if he gives permission and let him plan your deeksha and irumudi. Then act accordingly as per instructions.

      I pray for you and your family.May swamy shower his blessings on you and your family.

      A personal note: Pray swamy sincerely and try to adjust your dates and travel by flight so that you save time, where you go on weekend and return back immediately which wont disturb your work schedule, but try to make it a visit to sabarimala, because pamba snanam and swamy darsanam are worth atleast once during lifetime.

      Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!

  73. Can kanneswamy go alone to Sabarimala, without guruswamy.

    1. Namaskaram! Om Guru Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!
      Kanneswamy is not supposed to go alone to sabarimala, it is must that he travel alongwith a guruswamy only. Because,they will not know any thing about sabarimala yatra and where to keep irumudi and various other things, so they are not permitted to travel alone. And also for various reasons, where they get doubts, what should be done, what should not be done, what are the significance of places at sabarimala, which places needs to be visited etc. a guruswamy will guide them appropriately, so a kanne swamy must and should go to sabarimala under the guidance of a guruswamy only.

      I pray for you and your family. May swamy shower his blessings on you and your family.

      Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!

  74. Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa..! Guru Devathobhyo namaha..!

    Swamy Can you explain me the real meaning of Tatvamasi. What does it mean to the common people and the means to achieve it.

    2) I would like to know that should the morning pooja be completed before the sunrise or before darkness fades away? Please let us know about the brahmi muhurtham and its significance.

    The blog seems the treasure of niyamas and hindu dharmas for me. Thanks for organizing this blog.

    1. Namaskaram! Om Guru Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!
      It is really appreciable that someone is really interested in knowing the meaning of tatvamasi. Swamy will feel happy that his children are choosing the path to travel towards him.

      "Tattvamasi" is combination of three words, namely, "Tat", "Tvam" and "Asi".

      "Tat" :- That;
      "Tvam" :- You;
      "Asi" :- are;

      In simple terms having the realisation or awareness that you are god is the meaning of this. Let us try to understand this a little bit more so that you get more clarity.

      Consider you have a chunk of gold and you prepare different items from it like a round shaped item and call it ring or bangle, similarly a long shaped one and call it chain. Here the name and form of the items is not making you forget the fact that they are coming from gold, you still remember that they are gold only, because if you melt these items back again what forms is gold only.

      In a similar fashion, we are having something called parabrahma (or GOD) from which various forms of life come, when a form with two hands,legs etc (male form) is coming and you name it ram, rahim, jesus etc,form with two hands,legs etc (a female form) is coming and you name it sita,geeta,mary etc, similarly a form with four legs is coming and you name it cat,dog,tiger,lion etc, a form with wings etc( you call it a bird) etc. But in this case when actually we need to have the awareness that we are a part of parabrahma and we are coming from that and when we return back we merge back into parabrahma only. Humans are of the belief that they are this body only and sticking to their name and form and forgetting the base fact that they are part of parabrahma. Just as a golden item is considered as gold only but not just ring or chain, similarly we are also parabrahma only. So this statement just reminds you the same truth that you are not body with name and form, but you are parabrahma only.

      So the actual goal of a human birth is to have this awareness and realisation. Forgetting this awareness is called ajnana (or ignorance or lying in the darkness which is unreal or untruth).Then the one who shows you light or who makes you realise the fact that you are a part of the whole called parabrahma and you are parabrahma indeed is called a guru. So, when a human takes birth, he needs to intentionally and purposefully search for guru so that he can reach this goal. This process of journey from ignorance (or untruth) to the truth is known as sadhana.So in certain situations, if you are eligible a guru only may come in search of you and show you the path, else you only need to search for one and follow the path shown by him. Now there are so many paths suggested to travel towards this goal. It is your choice, whom you are considering as your guru and then you need to travel that path.

    2. One of the paths is ayyappa swamy deeksha, here ayyappa is considered gurvan guru and in this deeksha, the general hurdles which stops us in realising this fact are considered 18 things namely kama,krodha, lobha,moha etc. So we always pray swamy and do sarangathi to him, saying we are not having enough strength to get the realisation , you only make us cross our hurdles and make us reach the goal. Every year we when take deeksha and visit swamy, swamy slowly removes our hurdle and give enough strength so that we are taken towards the goal.
      In general there will be two kinds of sadhana, where in first one, guru shows path and the responsibility lies on the follower to traverse that path and in the second one the follower doesnt have any responsibility and the entire responsibility is taken care by the guru in making the follower to reach the goal. The first is an example of monkey, where it is the responsibility of child monkey to hold to its mother, and mother is not bothered about the child. The second is an example of a cat, where the child cat is no where bothered and it is the responsibility of mother cat to take care about its kids. So in ayyappa swamy deeksha it is enough if we just stay attached to swamy saying saranam, saranam, he will only make you reach that goal. It is the concept of saranagathi or total surrender to swamy ayyappa showing our inability and asking him to make us move towards the goal. That’s the reason we always chant various saranalu. Once finally when all the hurdles are crossed, you get the realisation that you are one with swamy. It is just like this, till the water is flowing on the land we call it ganga or godavari or krishna or cauvery river, but once it merges with sea, you no more call it river, but you call it sea, similarly only when you are identifying yourself with a name and form, you find a difference, but once you become one with swamy, you are no more identified with your name, you are called swamy only.


    3. The basic attribute of parabrahma is anandam (bliss), which is the highest form of happiness. Every human strives for happiness only. Somebody feels happy dancing, somebody singing, somebody acting, somebody cooking, somebody travelling etc, but the end result why humans are doing activities are only to have happiness and this happiness is limited and there is a greater level of happiness called brahmanandam which is the attribute of parabrahma (or god or atma or self). Ayyappa swamy is the embodiment of dharma and purna and pushkala are his siddis. that means he is the authority for purnatwam(completeness) and pushkalatwam(abundance). You feel happiness when you are satisfied or when you do some activity completely. Thats the reason, the moment you pray swamy and say saranam, immediately he blesses you and you can ask anything and he gives it completely and he has it in abundance where you need not worry that whether my chance will come or not, if swamy blesses the earlier, will he bless me or not or what happens if it finishes before my turn, so there is no such possibility, he is the authority for abundance and he can give you anything,and still he has it in abundance with him, till you reach the goal of tatwamasi, because remaining are all small before that goal.
      The starting point to reach this goal whether he is a common man, rich man or poor man or illiterate or literate is to take deeksha and visit swamy and surrender to him (i.e. do saranagathi to swamy) that's it, our job is done and we need to stick to him and the remaining work of clearing our hurdles, making us move forward, till we reach the goal is the responsibility of swamy. our job is only to stay sticked to him by taking deeksha every year and have his darshan. When ever we are taking deeksha, we need to follow the deeksha rules sincerely. Like when we are calling every one as swamy, it means to remind ourselves that other form is not just a form of body rather it is the part of the whole, whether it may be a cat,dog,male, female, bird etc. So to make it easy to understand- all the differences humans feel because they think that they are the body and the other forms are different, if you can understand the basic fact that just as gold ring and gold chain are coming from gold only, similarly cow, human, bird, fish etc are all coming from one universal parabrahma only, then you will find that both are one. And to make things much easier, you think like this, for example in front of you there is a cow, dog,bird, ram, rahim, sita, gita, john. You find all of them different just because of their name and their form, for suppose, we put a mask of swamy on all the forms, then every form appears as swamy form only and you will call every form with the same name swamy. This is the basic principle of calling everyone as swamy, you should shell down their name and form and try to look beyond the forms as the form of swamy only and thats the reason why you call everyone as swamy. When you are able to experience this and not just speak as words, then you can experience swamy and in real when this realisation or awareness becomes inherent to you, then you have reached the goal and you have become one with swamy. All the deeksha rules are being designed for this realisation only.

      I hope, by the grace of swamy you understand this.


    4. Regarding your second question, yes the morning puja has to be completed before sunrise and the evening puja had to be done after sunset. Always remember that deeksha rules are only to train the body and mind, not to trouble them. So if you are hale and healthy, energetic, you should train your body and mind to wake up early and complete the puja before sunrise. Keeping in view of the present day scenario and various kinds of jobs which people are doing some relaxations are being provided, that atleast they can begin the puja before sunrise and complete it. all the relaxations or flexibilities are being given by guruswamy's basing on the only one fact that, let them do the deeksha and visit swamy so that they can move forward towards the goal, let them have the blessings of swamy, let them have the darshan of swamy. It is the grace of guruswamy's why they allow someone with some relaxations, because the larger goal is important, so when someone is asking, they see the genuineness in that circumstance and give permission. So relaxations cannot be generalized, they are specific and should be conveyed to guruswamy and taken permission for.

      so coming to the point, the entire nature will be silent during the early hours i.e 2:00 am to 6:00 am, and if you can do puja or meditation at this time, they give good results and it is the best time to connect to nature and all the people who are participating in such meditation, prayers and puja activities. It is just like this, if you have observed decoration lights which are connected in serial, the current flows through all the bulbs and all the bulbs glow, similarly if you want the divine energy to be flown through you (and you should also glow), you need to get connected to the series of divine souls who pray or do puja or do meditation during that time. If you really train your body and mind, you will be able to feel that subtle divine vibrations around you which are flowing in the nature. At the later part of the day, there will be lot of noises, disturbances and even if there are divine vibrations, you may not feel them and get connected to them. So brahma gadiya is suggested for connecting to divine. It is also the same reason why we take mala during kaarthika and maargasira maasam. One year of humans is considered as one divine day for devathas. The year is divided into two halves namely uttarayana and dakshinayana. Uttarayana is considered as the time of morning and dakshinaya is considered the time of evening. so considering uttrayana (sankranti) as sunrise time, every month is approximately two hours, so the division will be as follows
      sankranti- jan-feb (6 am - 9 am)
      mar-apr (10-1)
      july-aug(6pm -9 pm)
      nov-dec(2am -5am)(kaarthika, margasira).

      so month wise also, kaarthika and margasira are the times considering the devatha early times, they are the best months for maala dharana and doing deeksha.

      As has been quoting, all deeksha rules are to cleanse our body and mind because where purity exists, there divinity reflects. So you follow any path of sadhana (it is your choice), but the end result is the same goal. One of the easiest tools designed in deeksha rules is to touch the feet of other swamy, when we are at a lower energy level, touching a higher energy level, our body absorbs the energy and there by gets charged, so who knows who is highly charged, it is the same concept of visiting the temples, when you visit, someone with greater meditation or prayers or sadhana will have greater energy circles which eminate from them and other who visit temple may absorb those positive energy levels and get charged. So we should always visit temples, when we are depressed or feeling low. This will give us necessary energy to face the situation and overcome the problem. Just as a mobile when it getting low battery and you charge it back.

      I hope you understand this by the grace of swamy. I pray for you and your family. May swamy shower his blessings on you and your family.

      Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa

    5. I am glad to know such a great information in very simple words. Thank you Guru swami for your explanation.

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Namaskaram! Om Guru Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!
      Don't worry! Its natural to happen sometimes when you are in sleep and need not worry, but you need to take care about the food. If your diet is somewhat having rajasic qualities or tamasic qualities, then these kind of things may happen or if you have seen some sort of images/movies or stuff which had an impression in your subconscious mind. It's not going to break your viratham. That's the reason deeksha rules say that have satwic food only.

      You are saying that you are removing malai tomorrow, means you went to sabarimala and returned back. Hope you had a wonderful darshan of swamy.
      I Pray swamy for you and your family. May swamy shower his blessings on you.

      Be good and do good.

      Swamiye saranam ayyappa!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Namaskaram! Om Guru Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!
      From which place you are. Then do you have any ayyappa temple where you can visit after your deeksha period and then remove the malai. Its happy to note that though you dont live in India and still you are following deeksha. May swamy bless you.

      I pray for you and your family. May swamy bless you and your family. Though swamy is all pervading, given a chance come and visit sabarimala temple. Pamba snanam and sabarimala darsanam are worth atleast once during a lifetime.

      Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!

  76. Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa,
    1 very very important question. I see some swamies having our Lord Ayyappa idol which we get in Ayyappa shops in sabarimala. Can I also buy a Ayyappa idol and bring to my home. When I feel like doing puja, I can do and when I dont do puja, I can cover the idol with cloth & safely put in some safe place?
    Please answer.
    Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa

    1. Namaskaram! Om Guru Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!
      Do you already have any other devata idol at your puja place and daily puja and abhisekham are taken care for those idols? Do you have a separate puja room or puja place? If you have such provision, then you can bring a small idol from sabarimala, but please ensure that you take care proper sanctity and purity of your puja room when you are bringing ayyappa idol. Generally to have subramanya swamy idol and/or ayyappa idol, you need to maintain the sanctity of the puja room or premises,
      and you need to do daily abhisekham, puja for these idols. You cannot have big idols in home, they are for places like temple. And you cannot do puja to those idols whenever you like and put them aside. Lot of care should be taken for idols like prana pratisha, daily doing upacharas etc. You cannot leave them like that even for a single day, in case if you are going out, somebody else should take care about the idols. It is just like swamy himself sitting in your home at your puja room. Can you leave swamy like that,its just like your parents or elders at your home where you just cant say even for a single day that you dont have food today or dont have bath today. Similarly you cant leave swamy without puja, abhisekham, naivedyam and other upacharas daily.Your puja room is just another temple, you need to take care of all upacharas like which are done in a temple.

      So you think and take decision, if you think you can maintain then only bring a small idol, else just have photo, where you dont have so many restrictions and you can just pray.

      I pray swamy for you and your family. May swamy shower his blessings on you all.

      Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!

    2. Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa,
      U gave very valuable information. Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa. The way you are giving valuable information about our Lord Ayyappa is very nice. This is my 5th time to Sabarimala. All the junior swamies in this blog are very lucky to have a Guruswamy like you who is guiding us to reach our Lord Ayyappa.

      Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa

    3. Namaskaram! Om Guru Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!
      I am only a sand particle at his lotus feet, it is He who is using me as a tool in his hands and making me as a part of his divine play. So, be thankful to swamy.He is an ocean of mercy,and he doesn't expect anything from us except, remembering him, being attached to him and being thankful to him. And thanks to my guruswamy and all other noble and divine souls from whom the knowledge is gained. It is just like this, knowledge is divine and powerful, how guruswamy and others have transmitted their light of knowledge to me, similarly, I am transmitting this knowledge to others.It is like one candle lighting other candle. And this will be useful to someone who doesnt have accessibility to guruswamy or any knowledge person. So the credit goes to them only, just I was instrumental in putting that info here for the benefit of persons who doesnt know what to do and how to do. So, thanks to ayyappa swamy, guruswamy , and all other divine souls.

      You are saying that this is your 5th time, so follow deeksha rules sincerely. Learn to imbibe positive qualities and shed down all negative qualities slowly. Your positive attitude should reflect in your character and your behaviour. The good which you learn during deeksha should reflect in your regular life and help you grow personally, professionally and spiritually. Also it should give you enough strength so that you can face the situations of life with ease and handle them with ease. Your life should be a reflection of the divine grace of swamy. So keep this in mind, and never even in wildest of dreams try to go towards negative aspects in your life.

      I pray swamy for you. May your deeksha and sabari yatra be fruitful by the grace of swamy and you have a wonderful darshan of swamy.

      Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!

  77. Hi Swami, Could you please let us know why ayyappa temple remain closed certain times like jan20th closes and again reopenes in feb for 5 days and so on?

    1. Yes, I too have the same question(why our Lord Ayyappa temple is closed?). Let us wait for Guruswamy to answer.
      Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa

  78. Tq for ur information swamy...swamyae saranam ayyappa

  79. Swamy i have a doubt wife is also keeping fasting with me for 41days so she shld continue her fasting on those 3 days or she shld leave it...sorry to ask this qn but is little confusing

    1. Namaskaram! Om Guru Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!
      Actually she need not keep fasting, but out of love, she might have kept fasting along with you. If it gives her satisfaction that she is fulfilling the cycle of fasting along with you, then she may continue and if she is having different mixed feelings, then she can take break during those days and later continue.

      In general, those 3 days activity is not counted or considered as part of any deeksha or fasting or vratham etc. The counting continues after the break for those 3 days.

      Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!

  80. Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa,
    I have booked my virtualQ slot on 11 January 9:30 PM night, if I reach late(because I am doing peddda padam), will I be allowed like 12 January morning?
    I think today our Guruswamy is going to our Lord Ayyappa temple, if any swamy knows the answer, please answer.

    Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa

    1. Namaskaram! Om guru swamiye saranam ayyappa!
      Yes there is a buffer of few hours which you can tell while verification of virtual Q ticket at pamba and they will allow you to enter into virtual Q.

      I pray for you and your family. May your pedda padam be fruiful by the grace of swamy. May you have a wonderful darshan of swamy.

      Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!

  81. Swamiye Sharanam Ayyappa,

    Swami, I am wearing mala second time this year and Due to some constaraints I am not wearing mala for 41 days and I am wearing mala for 3 days only and going for Swamy Dharshanam. IS there any Sin if I do like this? Please let me know.

    1. Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa,
      Mention what contraints you have like does your office doesnt allow you to wear black dress?, you need to shave daily? or you need to wear shoes everyday to office? Based on that anyone can suggest I feel.
      Just to update you next month also our Lord Ayyappa temple will open.
      Can you mention how you are planning to go(by Pedda padam or chinna padam)? Also mention when you are planning to go(date)?
      But yes, ultimately our Guruswamy has to answer.
      I just told my opinion.

      Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa

    2. Namaskaram! Om Guru Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!
      It is a general practice to do viratham for 41 days to have the irumudi and go for sabari yatra for the darshan of swamy. Now specific cases cant be generalised and it needs to be discussed with your guruswamy and take his permission. If your guruswamy feels your situation as genuine and permit you, then you can go for swamy darshan. It is the thought which is more important. If your thought is pure and really your circumstances are not permitting you, then guruswamy will allow you and you can proceed ahead. so, please consult your guruswamy.

      I Pray swamy for you and your family. May swamy shower his blessings on you.

      Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!

  82. swami , i am kanniswamy who took up deeksha!!! i do not feel shame to admit that i was a porn and masturbation addict !! took deeksha to overcome all these bad thoughts and habits . and i controlled for it but when i am doning pooja the bad thoughts are coming and while working on computer the videos are getting suddenly !! i tried my best to overcome the feeling but i could not . i prayed sharanu gosha 3 times and asked ayyapa to show mercy on me and ill not repeat this for rest of deeksha period , will ayyappa punish me for violating rule or will he forgive that it happened due to long years addiction and will he give me energy required not to repeat in further during deeksha !!! i am feared a lot !!! literally very shaken !!! can i continue deeksha !! will ayyappa stand by me and forgive and be my side gaining will power over my bad habits further

    1. Namaskaram! Om Guru Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!
      It is appreciable that you want to overcome your bad habits and you are aware about your weakness. This itself is the first victory over your weakness. Swamy is a mercy of ocean and he will definitely give you enough strength to overcome your bad habits. There is no such thing as punishment for violating the rules, but be ready for the circumstances which swamy gives you so that you come out successfully. It is like this even a chunk of gold had to be put into fire to remove all its dirt and have its shining. Similarly, a human also has to go through various circumstances to remove his bad habits and weakness so as to emerge a strong and pure person. So when you pray swamy, he will make you pass through such circumstances and you should be ready, willing and open to pass through those circumstances and in all these circumstances, swamy will be there with you, only you need to walk through them. All your habits are accumulated over years and have become an addiction for you, slowly you will win over them and come to normal track. Don't leave swamy and stay sticked to him. Dont worry that you are unable to overcome all of a sudden, it is a gradual process and have patience till you come out successfully.

      Have courage and faith towards swamy and be rest assured that you follow his deeksha and rules sincerely every year and do sabari yatra. After certain period of time, you will only notice the change which has come in you. But willingly try to avoid all those circumstances which provoke you or turn you back towards those bad habits.

      I pray swamy for you and your family. May swamy give you enough strength to overcome your bad habits. May your deeksha and sabari yatra be fruitful by the grace of swamy and you have a wonderful darshan of swamy.

      Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!

  83. I need to discuss a very important problem, can anyone give me Guruswamys number or email id

    1. you can communicate to me on
