Thursday, November 28, 2013

Who is Ayyappa Swamy

Who is ayyappa swamy- An answer for this question cannot be understood directly and makes one get confused if things are not properly understood in the true sense. That is the main reason, why ayyappa swamy deeksha had to be taken under the guidance of a Guruswamy. This deeksha is more related to guru tatwa and tatwamasi. The journey begins for a person with taking mala (rosary) known as maladharana, under the guidance of guruswamy. Then for the next 41 days known as mandala deeksha, the person stays along with guruswamy by following the niyamas(rules and principles) of the deeksha. Through Guruswamy, he knows about ayyappa swamy and significance of  the rules which are to be followed , what are the various rituals he needs to follow during the course of  deeksha, what are the important milestones in the sabarimala yatra.

Ayyappa Swamy is called Aryan- meaning one who is to be respected and worshiped. On what basis, because swamy looks as a small boy, considering his age, does he needs to be worshiped. The answer is we need to worship him and respect him not because of his age, but because of his Jnana (Wisdom and knowledge). 

Every human being is an embodiment of the divinity. There is an ego factor "I" which covers our wisdom and makes us attach ourselves to the body consciousness rather the cosmic consciousness. One who reaches swamy will ultimately realise the truth that he is one with the divine or cosmic consciousness.  That is the meaning of the word Tatwamasi written on the sacred sanctorium of  Lord Ayyappa in the sabarimala temple. Tat twam asi- "That art thou," "That thou art," "Thou art that," "You are that," or "That you are,
is the ultimate reality one needs to know and experience.

So, the person who is taking swamy deeksha begins his journey from this individual "I" to merging into the cosmic "I". Its the realisation , the truth, which swamy is saying that you and I are not different, you and I are only one. It is on the same principle, we fill the coconut with ghee in irumudi and offer it to the lord. When the coconut of ego is broken, we get the ghee of divinity, using which we can do the abhisekham to the lord.
It is with the same thing we light the camphor, when we ignite the ego of camphor with the divinity of lord, then there will not be any trace of the ego "I". Swamy takes us into his fold and we will become one with swamy. See a camphor after it has lit, there will not be any trace or leftovers.

The entire deeksha has rules and regulations in preparing a person towards this goal. The first thing is calling everyone as swamy and seeing him as the form of swamy. Then start looking mother in every woman, including wife by calling them as malikamata. Abstinence from worldly thoughts and starting the journey inwards to the soul. The end result for all this process is bliss (ananda) which cannot be described, explained , seen or shown but only can be felt and experienced. Words are less, one have to experience themselves.

Though, its not a overnight journey in realising, if one enters into the fold of swamy and doesnt leave swamy, then one day he is sure to achieve this goal. Every activity in Swamy deeksha, beginning from maladharan to irumudi, and the sabari yatra ends at the sanctum sanctorium of ayyappa swamy at sabarimala. The deeksha will be completed once we visit swamy at sabarimala. Every event in our journey towards swamy will chalk out us towards this goal. All the activities either directly or indirectly motivate or transform us towards this goal. One has to start looking at every activity from this perspective, and for any doubts ask Guruswamy regarding the same. Guruswamy is considered to be the reflection of swamy ayyappa, and as a guru, he can clear all our doubts and show us the path at every stage in our deeksha and our sabari yatra. Usually Guruswamy is a person who had visited sabarimala for 18 times, who has the complete knowledge and had realised and experienced this truth.

Presently, so many people are going to sabarimala by taking ayyappa swamy deeksha, because swamy is the authority for purnatwam(completeness) and pushkalatwam(abundance). At the initial stages, we out of our ignorance ask swamy for various materialistic desires. He will grant and fulfill all our desires at the initial stage, so as to attract us towards him. But he is also the guruvan guru, meaning the guru of all gurus. And the ultimate goal of a guru is to show the light of truth who are struggling in the darkness of ignorance, show the supreme reality to the people who are lost in this materialistic world of "I". But as time passes with our association with him, we will try to realise that there is no happiness in these materialistic world, and all the relations, things, ideas, everything we find in this world are temporary and the happiness they give is temporary. The only ultimate truth and the never ending bliss is only possible by merging the individual "I" at the lotus feet of the lord by realising the supreme reality "Tatwamasi". This is the essence of a human life, which we need to achieve, and that is the reason for one taking ayyappa swamy deeksha- though knowingly or unknowingly- if once, we take deeksha, though we leave swamy, swamy will not leave us, till we reach our goal. That is the mercy of Lord Ayyappa.

From the history of ayyappa swamy, and the places which are enroute to the sabarimala we can see the practical view of the same underlying thought that all is one. From our deeksha rules, we see that we have to consider everyone as swamy. And we need to attend for the puja or bhiksha if any swamy is inviting irrespective of his caste,creed,race,status etc. Hunger is the same for everyone irrespective of their caste,creed,status,race etc. So we need to offer everyone food, who ever is stepping into our house, irrespective of whether we invite or we dont invite. It is the same for any person who has taken swamy deeksha, he needs to attend the puja and take bhiksha at the place where swamy puja is being performed, irrespective of whether he had been invited or not. Once they come to know that there is a swamy puja being performed, then they should attend it.

Then at Erumely,we need to offer prayers to vavar, though by caste, he is a muslim, he was the main person associated with ayyappa swamy, and got a significant place in the sabari yatra. Our sabari yatra begins from this point onwards only, by offering prayer, doing petta -thullal and proceeding to sabarimala.

In Conclusion, we can say that What attracts millions to this vibrant centre of Divine Power, is neither mythological stories nor historical importance, but the very personal experience of spiritual solace and harmony. In a historical assessment what is overlooked is the very essence the blending of many positive aspects of religious concepts and spiritual disciplines that gives a broad based practical impetus to the striving of man to know himself and to find a greater meaning to his life.

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